KJ>How successful would I be at running NASCAR on a 386-DX40?
KJ>I have a Trident Video card with 1meg and a SVGA monitor.
KJ>I would be happy running the VGA version of NASCAR if I can.
SVGA will NEVER happen! I think that you'll have to turn off so many
graphics even for VGA to make it not worthwhile.....IMHO.
KJ>Also, I have a 2x CR-ROM drive and not much hard disk space.
KJ>Can I run NASCAR directly from the CD?
Somewhat...but it's academic...see above.
KJ>I am presently running INDYCAR without much problems.
How many cars do you run and how many graphics do you now turn off or
have set at auto? NASCAR frame rates are generally much higher than
ICR. For NASCAR to run at 15 fps in VGA even with a lot turned off or
auto would require about a 486-66 with 8 megs (as an approx) IMHO...
KJ>Please let me know if I should even bother spending the money.
I wouldn't right now! The game is a great SIM, but certainly is
hardware INTENSE!!!!
* CMPQwk 1.4 #9327 * I am correct, the rest of you are wrong!