This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

Scott B. Huste

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Scott B. Huste » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 03:10:58

I also believe Kevin Harvick attributed winning Atlanta from watching
replays of my very first race in OSCAR, which I won at Atlanta, back on TEN.

Then again, I could be mistaken.   <VBG>  =P

Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450

> > "All that is necessary for simulated computer racing to **explode** onto
> > scene of real-world for one team, during one race at a
> > high-visibility race be **perceived** by their
> > competitors...... to have had an advantage because they used racing
> > simulators.....then almost instantly.....every other team will seek to
> > them!" - quote: Tom Pabst, Pabst-Racing.

> Hasn't this already happened? JV got pole position his first time
> out at Spa in '96, which he attributed partly to learning the track
> successfully with a computer game (GP2).

Tom Pabs

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Tom Pabs » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 03:11:25


We agree it seems, almost 100%.

Reminder....I'm not asking the sim community to stop hot-lapping.  I fully
admit that its fun......its just not racing.  Hot-lapping is a phenomenon of
"simulated racing" and doesn't exist anywhere else but on computers!  Its
the same "fun and motivation" that compels a person to stand up to an Arcade
machine at a bar and slam quarters into it all night long!

What I'm asking is to strike a balance within this community that represents
more fairly.....what sim racing is all about.  This GPLRank thing has gotten
way out of hand.  Newbies coming into our community are lead to think that's
all we do!  I want to put an end to it......NOT by eliminating the
"hot-lapping" phenomenon.....just by placing it carefully back in its
place.....while at the same time, bringing forth to its proper place....the
elements of sim racing that are similar, equal to...or what ever term you
wish to real-world racing and all that this entails.

I would like to see this community stop setting some of these "hot-lappers"
up on pedestals of "elite drivers"....the "cream of the top"
drivers.....which are terms I see used almost every day in this newsgroup
and on VROC.....and start recognizing our top sim community drivers for the
races they win....and compete in....not how fast they can run a "flyer lap"
at a particular track!  That "skill" makes them great "gamers".....I fully
admit....but is that who we want to single out and hold up to the real-world
racing people who are watching what we do with great our
best drivers?  Oh God......I hope not!

The fact is...."hot-lapping" is easy to report the statistics for........and
compare people with (meaningless) numbers mistakenly thought of as
indicative of one's racing skills.  That GPLRank web page is no different
than the "High Score" boxes on the top of every Arcade machine I've ever
seen!  Its exactly the same thing!  Is that a bad thing?  "No."  As I've
said already many times........there's nothing wrong with it except if you
try to make this out to be indicative of race driving skills.  Every
day.....someone from real-world racing is going to "peek through the window"
into our racing sim community world.  They might only take a look for five
minutes!  If what they see is "***" as far as they are
concerned......they are going to go away.  And....they'll go away with the
wrong impression....won't they?

All I'm saying is.....right now....while we are being placed under
microscopes by real-world racing......I'd be pleased as hell if that GPLRank
page was taken off the public net!  But, then I'm not going to advocate that
because its not my right to do that.  So....the next best thing is to try to
get it "balanced" with other statistics and methods.......of relating our
sim driving skills to real-world race driving ways that
real-world racing people can recognize and understand in terms of "their

All these wreckers that we've seen in N4 are doing that because they enjoy
it.  Its "fun" to them.  If it wasn't fun....they wouldn't engage in that
activity....(nobody is making them do it)!  I don't even begrudge them the
right to do it.  I just want them to do it in races where there only
exists.....other wreckers who do it for fun, too!  Hell...they can even have
a GPL"Wreckers"Rank website for all I care.....its not an activity with sim
racing that I will participate in.....right?  I don't even care if they talk
about this anywhere in real-world racing places....because no one in
real-world racing will recognize or look upon this as "racing."  Its
destruction derby....maybe the Friday night dirt-track promoters who make a
lot of money organizing local destruction derby races will love these sim
gamers?  Who knows....who cares?  Its not what I love about sim racing.

To me....the GPLRank websites......and a GPLWreckersRank websites......are
(would be) displaying statitistics of an equal stuff to those
participants who do it.....but not having anything to do with racing as the
real-world does it.  I have no problem with that.  But, when a
GPLWrecker/Ranker.....wants to tout himself as a race car driver......then
I'm going to object to that....because he is hurting my efforts to get
real-world racing to stop thinking that all we are doing is playing games on
our computers!

I don't know how to make that any clearer....I hope it is.

Tom Pabst

Pierre Robitaill

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Pierre Robitaill » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 03:25:07

> I also believe Kevin Harvick attributed winning Atlanta from watching
> replays of my very first race in OSCAR, which I won at Atlanta, back on TEN.

LOL!! The result of a warp, no doubt... ;)
Thom j

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Thom j » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 03:36:08

"O" Come on Mike G, your trollng now!
"Real life" constitutes your ass in a real race car or any motorsport race
vehicle! So dont play "I dont know what you mean?" Damm!
Yes it **is** real competition in a PC sim but thats all it is a PC sim!! I've
put 1000 of laps on many tracks on the eastcoast & mid-west so I know
the difference between being there in "Real Life" & not as with a PC. If
you do not you have a "reality" problem.. PCs are just an illusion & they
are great but not real. So dont even go here about injury ***etc as it is
not a factor!! You know this as well as I do "If you really have raced!"
The only {and I mean "only"} point I made was the words are used in
these "Sim-Games" 'i.e. PB, Racing, Qualify etc meaning these are only
words. No more, No less! Fact!

  Thom, what exactly constitutes real life racing. This is my real life and when i'm sitting behind my computer racing it appears to be real competition. I've raced in real life and raced in simulations and the only real difference I see is that I can't get injured and it costs alot less. The competition is alot stiffer than it was in real life also. I guess I don't quite understand your idea of it not being real simply because it is on a computer.

  Mike Grandy

  Proud Member of Precision Racing Internet Race Team

  3 A Champion Forever-Godspeed Dale

    Now a response:
    Sorry Tom this time I really *don't agree* with your comments! This
    is "" and in many of the "sim-games" it will state,
    Qualify, PB, Racing, and much more! Of course this *isnt* "real life"
    racing and anyone that thinks this is, are diluted!
    So no matter what word or words that are used here it still *is* and
    always will be "" here. Bottom line: to me Tom,
    Your taking words & dissecting them when they do not need to be!
    This newsgroup is just that a newsgroup for 'rec.sim'ers' if you will
    no more, no less. -Thom_j.

    | So, please....could you guys "hot-lap" all you want...but just stop
    | about it as if it was racing?  Please?
    | Regards,
    | Tom Pabst

    Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
    Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
    Version: 6.0.265 / Virus Database: 137 - Release Date: 7/18/2001

Tom Pabs

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Tom Pabs » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 03:45:08


I think the "don't-give-a-shiters" are in the minority....not the majority
as is the "impression" you are trying to create with your post.

Impressions are everything.  In real life....there's even a historical
precedent for impressions and images trying to be better the
sport of racing.

50 some years ago.....Bill France spent a considerable amount of his time
and effort (every single day) trying to change the "impressions" that the
Detroit automakers had.....of Friday-night dirt track jalopy drivers as
being beer-drinking, fat-gutted, rowdy-crowd race car drivers completely
incapable of being organized into a professional race car driving group.
Certainly, they would not ever possess the ability to attract the attention
of auto the sophisticated and good looking sports car drivers
of the "then" world were doing!  That was Detroit's "impression" of circle
track drivers.  Bill France was laughed out of so many Detroit board rooms
it would make your head spin.  This has all been well documented.  But he
wasn't laughter or all the people who told him he was
completely crazy to try to make his vision....of circle track
racing....become a reality.  I don't have to tell you that he prevailed.

Now....some of you are going to jump right on this and say, " now
Pabst thinks he's Bill France or something!"  Well, my answer is ....come on
guys.  Of course I don't think I'm Bill France.....or capable of doing
anything close to achieving the things that he did with NASCAR.  But that
doesn't mean that I might not be running into some of the very same kind of
thinking...that he did....50 years ago.  Recognizing that
similarity.....doesn't make me a Bill France "wannabe!"  I can tell you that
since learning of the history of NASCAR (only two years ago...along with
everyone else I watched many of the specials on TV during NASCAR's 50 Years
specials).....I've tried to read and learn as much as I can about what Bill
France did.  Why?  Not because I want to be like him.  But, I do want
something of the same result he got!  So, if I can learn some things from
what he did that worked......and more importantly...what he did that did NOT
work.  I'm ahead of the least by that much.

One of the characteristics of Bill France was that when he believed in
something, or believed something was standing in his way of attaining his
dream for circle track racing.....he didn't give a rats ass about whether he
was going to be "popular" or not for standing up and being "for or against"
something!  If in that way, people want to say I'm trying to be like Bill
France.....well, you are damn right about that.  I have been against this thing for two years now.  But I've never said

Three weeks ago I re-installed GPL and VROC (for some other business
reasons....I wanted to be more in touch with the GPL community....get some
feed back from them and so forth....mostly related to the BRD deal we are
doing....and frankly, I missed racing GPL, more than I realized until I
started driving it again).  I was immediately struck......and was amazed
that this hot-lapping, GPLRank thing had gotten way out of control!  That's
my opinion.....and I'm entitled to that.  I decided it was time to stop
being quiet about this issue.....and stand up for what I believed in.  I
started that process last night with this will probably go on
for months.  And, it won't make me popular....but it will make me honest.


Douglas Elliso

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Douglas Elliso » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 03:43:29

So from the 19kb's worth - I can establish that you want everyone to do a
search & replace for the word "racing" and replace with "hot lapping" where

Seems fairly petty to me


Tom Pabs

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Tom Pabs » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:03:39


"Yes" it happened.....but it wasn't "perceived to have given him the
advantage" by the other teams.......that's the "key" element missing from
that event with JV.  I don't think JV's statement was taken seriously by the
other teams or drivers.  He was a total unknown rookie at the
who would pay attention to him?  The same thing would apply to Dale
Earnhardt, Jr.....winning his first Busch race at Watkins Glen a few years
back.  He said he practiced on his computer at home....on TV.  But nobody
paid any attention to it....because he was another unknown rookie!

Remember....the "use of a computer simulator" doesn't even need to actually
give somebody an advantage (although I think its clear that there are many
ways that it could do this) only needs to be **perceived** to have
done so by his/her competitors.

Let's play a little fantasy for a moment:

What would happen if Jeff Gordon happens to win the NASCAR Championship
(again) this year.....just two years after he lost Ray Evernham as his crew
chief......who, many presumed....was the real reason for Jeff Gordon's
amazing success in his first few years in NASCAR (and not Jeff's racing
skills).  And, at this year's NASCAR Champions Award Banquet.....Jeff says
(during his acceptance speech) something like this:  "I know many of you
thought that it was because of Ray Evernham that I won my first two Winston
Cup Championships.  He played a significant role in those
championships....but not the primary one!  What had played a primary
role....and did again for us this year.....was the fact that during a race,
we have a guy on a computer simulator back in our truck.  He plugs in all
the race conditions into the sim.....all the stuff that's happening to me in
the race car out on the real track.....and then does trial and error
adjustments to the car's setup on the simulator....and radios to our pits
the things that he discovers work better.  That's why we've been able to
make these amazing adjustments to my race car....during the race as it
progresses.  That's why I can be at the back of the field at the start of
the race with a crappy car set up.....and be at the front of the field at
the checkered....with an awesome set up race car!  I just thought it was
time to be fair to all of you and tell you how we have been doing this!"

There will be a stampede to the door......crew chiefs and owners looking for find out what the hell Jeff Gordon is talking about.  I
might even get one of those phone calls?

Of course....this is a complete fantasy and I do not expect anything like
this to happen.  I'm only using it as an example.....of what I mean by
somebody being perceived as having had an using a racing


Marty U'Re

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Marty U'Re » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:04:04

Tom Pabst wrote:
> .....So I'm going to try to keep this as short as I can (and it will
> probably still be too long).  Sorry.

> My reasons for making this post are based on my love of racing (real and
> simulated) and a desire to see simulated racing become respected as a form
> of racing where the skills of the sim driver approach, if not equal, the
> skills of the real-world driver.  I believe I won't get too much argument
> that an enormous amount of good can come to the simulated racing community,
> its members (drivers), its software developers both individual and
> corporate, same for the hardware developers and manufacturers,
> leagues/series administrators...and so forth, if the real-world racing
> community embraced the simulated racing community with something on the
> order of equal stature and respect.  Its no secret that I have spent the
> better part of the last five years (full-time for the last three years)
> trying to do my part to bridge the gap between sim racing and real racing.
> So I'm not going to go into all the supporting reasons why I think we'd
> benefit by being respected as racing real-world racing drivers
> and their "community"....I kind of figure that's a given!

> I also want to state without any doubt, I totally defend the right of any
> member of this community to choose to enjoy sim racing however they wish to
> do so.  If that means they want to treat this activity as a leisure-time,
> fun, game-playing activity.....that is 100% their right to do so.  That
> includes the so called "wreckers" even!  I would defend their right to wreck
> other drivers in a race with them....if that's their idea of "fun" they are
> entitled to it.  They are just not entitled to wreck other drivers who don't
> share their sense of fun.  As long as the "wreckers" all race together and
> not with other more serious-minded sim drivers/participants....that's Okay
> with me!

> So, for sake of simplicity......I would like to divide all the members of
> this community into two general groups:  Serious sim racing drivers and
> game-playing sim racing drivers.  Notice, I did not say "two equal
> groups".......I have no idea how many members of this community, if asked to
> place themselves in one group or the other.....would be in each group.  We
> could say, "50/50"....but it really doesn't matter to has nothing
> to do with what "point" I'd like to make.  Let's say, there's a substantial
> number of people in both groups....together they make up the sim racing
> community I'm referring to in this post.

> the point I would like to make:  When someone who is engaging in an
> activity of sim racing that is clearly "game playing" (like wrecking cars
> instead of racing against cars)......tries to make that out to be serious
> race car driving......sim race car driving to be exact.......then I am going
> to stand up and shout "NO."  Why?

> Because I'm trying to get real-racing people to look upon the activities of
> the "serious sim drivers" in this community with some respect.....respect
> because they have the same or close to the same skills as real race car
> drivers.  I know that, but at this point, they don't know that!   And, I
> can't do that if a vocal minority of "game players" in this online community
> keeps calling what they are doing "race driving" discredits everyone
> in the sim racing community when that happens.  Or, should I say, it
> discredits them as far as the real-world racing community is concerned.
> And, that is the opposite of what I do many others in this
> community....would be good for sim racing.

> I'm not talking about the "wreckers" I.  No.  They are a small
> minority....true.  But they are not very vocal.

> I am talking about the GPL community.  Not all of its members of
> course......but a far too large number of them.....and a way to large vocal
> number of them.  I'm also talking about a few in the N4 community.....but
> its a relatively small my opinion at least.

> So, to many of might seem as if I'm attacking the GPL sim racing
> community.....that often referred to group of "elite" sim racers (a term
> I've heard too much of lately...makes me want to throw up
> sometimes).......and that's why I figured this was not going to be popular.

> Well, I'm not attacking anyone.

> But I am going to ask the GPL community, some (but not all)....of its
> do me, and anyone else in this community that would like to
> see sim racing some day become a full-fledged e-sport form of racing....a
> very big favor!  I don't know for sure how many others there are among you
> that would like to see sim racing become a respected form of racing......I
> know I can name a couple hundred.....and that's enough to ask this favor, I
> think?

> Here's the favor:  Please stop referring to, in public places (like this
> newsgroup, race chat rooms, VROC, etc.)....referring to "hot-lapping," or
> the GPLRank - (Hot-lapping scoreboard) racing, race car driving or
> having anything to do with racing skills.  I'm not asking you to stop doing
> it.  I'm not asking you to stop liking to do it even!  I am asking you to
> stop calling it "racing".....because it isn't.  And, when members of the
> real-world racing community see you doing discredit everyone
> who is a serious sim driver in this community....and would like to bridge
> the gap between themselves and the real-world race drivers.  I don't think
> this is an unfair "favor" to ask of you.

> I would like to make a few "points" in support of my request:

> 1.  In case there is any doubt that this "game" activity of hot-lapping is
> being referred to by its participants as "racing"'s a direct quote
> off a web page displaying the GPLRank list:  **When players reach the magic
> sub zero score, they would have reached a milestone putting them in a
> category of excellence in driving. A point we all strive for.**  That is a
> direct "cut and paste" copy from the following website:

> 2.  Real world racing does not engage in any activity that even resembles
> "hot-lapping" or keeps any records or "lists" that would resemble the
> GPLRank system list of drivers.  Nobody in real-world racing could afford to
> crash their cars....what....several hundred times (some of you say several
> thousand times) order to pull off some totally lucky "flyer lap"
> ...and then post it somewhere so they can be thought of as an "excellent
> race driver."  Of course, nobody in real-world racing would live through
> such an activity, either.

> 3.  The closest thing I can attribute in real-world racing to something that
> maybe some of the "hot-lappers" have confused to be similar to what they
> do.....and call it maybe "qualifying" or....."fastest race
> lap"......or maybe even "track record holder."  But, let's be clear about
> this.  No race driver I know of, made it to the "hall of fame" of public
> opinion (or the real one) in racing because they had a lot of
> races.....where they had the "fastest lap" in that race.  They don't keep
> that score in real-world racing.  I don't think anyone made it for having
> the most "track records" either.  I know they don't put you in the hall of
> fame for having been on the most poles.....heck, no one can even remember
> who the pole sitter was....come Monday morning...usually (unless of course
> you also win the race on Sunday).  The only thing they put you in the "hall
> of fame" winning races....winning championships (based on
> winning/finishing races).

> 4.  I spent an hour.....maybe it should have been longer.....but I couldn't
> find a single GPL related website that listed all the GPL drivers in ranking
> of the number of races they've won.  Or, the number of podium finishes
> they've had.  I have no idea who the good race car drivers are in GPL....or
> what they do or where they race....and certainly not how they rank amongst
> themselves.  I do know however, who all the best "game playing hot-lappers"
> are.  That took me just a minute or two to find.  Too bad, because no one in
> real racing cares about that....I know I certainly don't.  It might be
> fun....but its not about racing.

> 5.  In real-world racing.....there's a sub-amateur form of driving called
> "autocross".....and even a professional form of it in the USA, called "Pro
> Solo II" sanctioned by the SCCA.  Its quite a fun activity....I've done it
> several times and its exciting and challenging...and not easy to beat the
> guys who do nothing else but autocrossing.  For those of you that don't know
> what this is.....its racing against a clock....solo....through usually a
> parking lot full of "gates" marked out by yellow or orange cones.  The car
> (usually they are ranked in classes) and driver who traverse the coned gates
> in the shortest time.....and don't knock any cones over (they penalize you
> for knocking over cones) declared the winner of the autocross event.
> They have second and third places too.  Sometimes, if your autocross club
> has a lot of members, they can afford to give you little trophies or plaques
> if you come in first, second or third.  I don't think anyone in real-world
> racing would confuse autocrossing with racing.....or autocross drivers with
> race car drivers....although many autocross drivers have moved up to amateur
> SCCA racing and then gone on to full professional racing as well.
> Autocrossing would actually be a level or two above "hot-lapping"...if they
> did hot-lapping in the real world.....because in autocrossing, you can't cut
> the corners off....go over the curbs...or go off into the grass.....because
> you'd knock over a cone and be penalized a second for doing that.
> Autocrossing would be a lot harder than hot-lapping...but they


read more »

Goy Larse

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Goy Larse » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:24:34

> > I also believe Kevin Harvick attributed winning Atlanta from watching
> > replays of my very first race in OSCAR, which I won at Atlanta, back on TEN.

> LOL!! The result of a warp, no doubt... ;)

Not even the USS Enterprise could warp fast enough to make Husted a

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"The Pits"

* Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *

Jens H. Kruus

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Jens H. Kruus » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:25:51

Certainly, you wrecker, you!

/Jens, ducking and running for cover. :-)

P.S.: ?

Mike Grand

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Mike Grand » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:33:16

Ramsden , trouble......never happen. The Albany LAN is August31, Sept 1,2.
Come on up on saturday if you can, that willl be the best day topped off
with the "Daytona Boogie" in memory of DE with prizes and trophies. Should
be a live feed to Kelsey Irish Pub along with a live broadcast by
WGNA(capital districts biggest country radio station) in the lobby of the
Crowne Plaza. Open to the public with Budweiser specials.

Mike Grandy
Proud Member of Precision Racing Internet Race Team
3 A Champion Forever-Godspeed Dale

<msg length edited for Jan>  ;)

I was just curious Mike.  I figured with it being so close and all. ;)

 I was thinking of "crashing" it this weekend, but I had a few things to do
in the office this morning (I hate virtual private networks when they don't
work <G>) and have a few things I have to get done tonight.  I hope you are
having fun, racing well, and tell everyone I said hello!

Oh yeah... Try to keep Ramsden out of prison!

Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450

Mike Grand

This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by Mike Grand » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:36:13

Well Thom, I know exactly what I'm talking about. Racing is racing, whether
it be Nascar, DIRT, Formula One, CART, RC cars, Slot cars, or Sim racing. It
seems it is you that doesn't know what real life means.

Mike Grandy
Proud Member of Precision Racing Internet Race Team
3 A Champion Forever-Godspeed Dale

"O" Come on Mike G, your trollng now!
"Real life" constitutes your ass in a real race car or any motorsport race
vehicle! So dont play "I dont know what you mean?" Damm!
Yes it **is** real competition in a PC sim but thats all it is a PC sim!!
put 1000 of laps on many tracks on the eastcoast & mid-west so I know
the difference between being there in "Real Life" & not as with a PC. If
you do not you have a "reality" problem.. PCs are just an illusion & they
are great but not real. So dont even go here about injury ***etc as it is
not a factor!! You know this as well as I do "If you really have raced!"
The only {and I mean "only"} point I made was the words are used in
these "Sim-Games" 'i.e. PB, Racing, Qualify etc meaning these are only
words. No more, No less! Fact!

Thom, what exactly constitutes real life racing. This is my real life and
when i'm sitting behind my computer racing it appears to be real
competition. I've raced in real life and raced in simulations and the only
real difference I see is that I can't get injured and it costs alot less.
The competition is alot stiffer than it was in real life also. I guess I
don't quite understand your idea of it not being real simply because it is
on a computer.

Mike Grandy
Proud Member of Precision Racing Internet Race Team
3 A Champion Forever-Godspeed Dale

Now a response:
Sorry Tom this time I really *don't agree* with your comments! This
is "" and in many of the "sim-games" it will state,
Qualify, PB, Racing, and much more! Of course this *isnt* "real life"
racing and anyone that thinks this is, are diluted!
So no matter what word or words that are used here it still *is* and
always will be "" here. Bottom line: to me Tom,
Your taking words & dissecting them when they do not need to be!
This newsgroup is just that a newsgroup for 'rec.sim'ers' if you will
no more, no less. -Thom_j.

| So, please....could you guys "hot-lap" all you want...but just stop
| about it as if it was racing?  Please?
| Regards,
| Tom Pabst

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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.265 / Virus Database: 137 - Release Date: 7/18/2001


This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by ymenar » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:55:30

> What are you expecting will change?  Especially in something as incredibly
> short as one year.  And, I've mentioned it a lot more than 50
> When is the last time you worked with a real-world professional driver in
> sophisticated racing simulator?

It's quite easy Tom ;).  You are at the top of the spectrum in terms of
enthusiasm of simracing.  About every other person on the planet takes it
less seriously, in terms that yes they will be serious about their racing
experience but they will keep it a personal experience.  You think globally
(yes, it's politics you do).  You think about the potential, the money you
can find out of it.  No problem there, but you need to understand that
everybody under you in the spectrum takes it much less seriously.  I've
passed by that, I spent nights thinking of possible ways to expand the
community, thinking of possible NROS business plans for the future, etc...

Yes, this has potential but is it really important that we should use a
certain term or not in an XYZ situation? It's just a ***y word!  :)

Oh hey you know Alan and Bob?  Tell Bob that it's a shame for that "big one"
wreck last night at Daytona ;-)

Yeah yeah... but it's just politics.  I don't see anything related between
that the the use of the term "racing" when somebody hotlaps against himself.
I will repeat another time "There is no absolute definition of what is
racing and what is not".  Somebody else could perhaps say with the same
arguments as you that virtual racing is not racing.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...


This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by ymenar » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 04:55:54

> The next time you equate me to Don Wilshe.....I will be coming up to
> to pay a visit to you

LOL!  Ok sorry there ;-)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...


This Isn't Going To Be Popular!

by ymenar » Mon, 20 Aug 2001 05:01:34

> There will be a stampede to the door......crew chiefs and owners looking
> find out what the hell Jeff Gordon is talking about.  I
> might even get one of those phone calls?

They almost all use simulators anyway, so there wouldn't be a fuss.  Really,
let's not confuse both things in this thread (the simracing potential and
the use of the word "racing" when you race against the track by yourself).

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
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