>** Works Great - except for:
>1. It's a long distance number... I can't afford the phone bill I'm
>about to run up.
>2. Idiots. People who have no concept of a pace lap.
> ------- Please!!!! --------
>Learn to drive on your own PC first, then join the world.
>I tried 2 races and both started with crashes in the first 50 ft on the
>pace lap.
idiots who either a) don't know how to drive, or b) don't have the sense god
gave a brick. People who don't know how to drive will be a real problem.
I also couldn't seem to use my own car. I weas using a different car in both
races, and there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the sim's selection.
I also couldn't find anything about this in the docs.
I think that:
1) If someone nominates a race, they should be able to set a mininmum skill
level for joining. This will keep the***wads off the track.
2) There should be some mechanism which allows us to upload our cars to the
service so we can race with our own paintjobs and other drivers can see
3) The "service" should have local access numbers (at least one for every
major metropolitan area). The long distance charges are enough to keep me
from calling more than once a month.
4) Papyrus should make a network version of the game which allows up to 8 (or
10) humans in a given race (like Descent). This would make it playable over
the internet as well. They obviously have the knowledge for doing this.
| John Simmons (Redneck Techno-Biker) |
| http://www.racesimcentral.net/|