this problem can happen if one or the other of you have modified the game,
carsets,tracks etc.
> We tried that as well - unfortuately without the same results as you : \
> --
> Andy Saunders
> ICQ # 103543030
> "Age means nothing -- unless you're cheese!"
> > I got a Link Mismatch the first time the game starts. We chose 'attempt to
> > fix' and it seemed fine after.
> > >Hi everyone,
> > >Nice group you guys have here.
> > >My friend and I are trying to play GP3 over a TCP/IP connection with
> > >GPxPatch v1.31 - We can get through everything to the grid, but whenever
> we
> > >reach the grid, we are getting a "Link Mismatch", does anyone here know
> how
> > >to correct this? I noticed one or two of you have managed to get this to
> > >work.
> > >Many thanks in advance.
> > >--
> > >Andy Saunders
> > >ICQ # 103543030
> > >"Age means nothing -- unless you're cheese!"
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