% On Thu, 01 Oct 1998 01:15:14 GMT, "Michael E. Carver"
% >We can stretch this argument until it gets thin. Restarting a race event
% >because one crashed out on lap 32, isn't very realistic either.
% Perhaps you can stretch the argument until it gets thin but I prefer
% to do so only while it remains realistic. I don't see where you get
% the "not very realistic" - I'm not sure where you managed to buy your
% real-life car with the save race function and Shift-R but I must
% confess to never having seen one. I used to go home, fix my car, then
% go back to the racetrack and try again.
Well, my point is who the hell makes the "decision" when to cross the
barrier between a "realistic" simulation and an "enjoyable" simulation?
The "big" argument against a racesave feature being bandied about here,
is that it would be "unrealistic".
Having a racesave feature (if one could be implemented -- still think
this is more the real reason behind GPL not having one -- at least
within the resources Papy wished to spend on development), can only
benefit the user and shouldn't harm the "developer". It's simply a
"comfort" feature that can make the product that much more enjoyable and
maybe then more profitable. I guess I just can't buy the "argument"
that a racesave feature is "detrimental" to the "purity" of the
simulation. This just stretches credulity. If someone doesn't want to
use it because it would ruin their enjoyment of the "essence" of the
simulation, no one is forcing them to use it. If one finds that their
enjoyment of the simulation is enhanced by being able to "save a race"
and continue with it later, who is harmed?
A race save option would just be a nice feature to include, just like
have a full staffed garage to work on your car between races so you can
concentrate more on the job of racing (to use your point above regarding
% >Maybe
% >a real sim should only allow one to race one event just once a year in
% >real time. You***up your one and only chance to win the American
% >Grand Prix and you'll have to wait until next year in "real time" (and
% >hope you still have a ride. <G>).
% If you are talking about an accurate _sim_ then that would be your
% only option for accuracy. Anything less is a compromise, and that is
% what we are discussing - degrees of compromise.
Again, how does a racesave feature really compromise the beauty of GPL?
And if it does compromise it in your book, don't use it. It certainly
won't compromise the wonders Papy did with this sim for me.
% >Actually the casual gamer ain't gonna panic much at all. It's the more
% >hard core freaks that "need" a full length race and rely on a saverace
% >feature to accommodate their real lives. To be perfectly honest, I don't
% >think there are many even here in r.a.s. land that run full length
% >NASCAR events in N2. Most run 25-50% races (or even less).
% I would guess so, hence my response to Marc re the casual gamers (what
% is a casual gamer anyway, someone lying back in an easy chair wearing
% jeans and with a beer in hand?).
With a bag of chips (or is that crisps over there?) in the other hand!
Maybe we should do an informal poll and see what race lengths people run
(and under what conditions, online, offline league, solo, etc.).
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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