It's always nice to hear a good use of English language. As i'm not native
english speaker i can learn a lot from reading some well structured and
argumented posts here on r.a.s. Yours will have a portion of my disk space
forever. I'm going to save it and open it every time i feel too embarased to
post here. It will show me that i shouldn't be too shy to post here just
because i feel that my posts aren't carrying the desired idea because of the
limitations in my knowledge of English language.
On to some warez issues. In it's time I downloaded the leaked GPL
pre-production version and still bought the retail GPL. In fact i bought the
second copy of GPL as a backup disk, but that was more of a saying thank you
Papy for the best sim ever! Here in Slovenia you can't buy a game and return
it with full refound just because you didn't liked it. Furthermore, i'm the
type of person that can't wait couple of weeks to read all the reviews on
certain sim and then buy it or not. I must have it first! I bought GP2,
Indycar2, Nascar2, F1 Racing Simulation ( i burned myself on this one ), GPL
the very first moment they were available.
So, now you must think that i have F1 2000. No, i don't! Couldn't find the
link and still it would be too big a download for my analog line. Those are
two main reasons i don't have it and only then there is that m***issue.
I hear so much about the "fact" that if we pirate software the software
companies will have less money to develope good titles and similar nonsense.
Have you ever thought about how much money software companies "stole" from
you? State of the art graphics, ultra realistic, most advanced, blah,
blah... for a sim that you deleted after two weeks.
To make this story even longer, the software market isn't functioning well.
We have bad, good, superb sims going for virtually the same price. How can
one know which sim is good if the price doesn't hold that information in it.
Unless you follow the making of the sim through r.a.s. or some other chanel
of information you have an odd chance of getting what you paid for.
Warez version of F1 2000 is for me a very good demo. It's like EA PR
department can say anything if you want to belive them. Others can try it
out and see it with their own eyes. You can't have a realistic race at Monza
with words EA is feeding us with so i can understand people TRYING out the
warez. If this was the EA Sports game i would buy it for sure as they are
the best out there as for the simulations from EA i hope one day they are
the best too, so Geoff and Papy would work even harder.