I came on this n/g after being away for a few days and I
hear that you guys are all playing (and slamming!) F1-2000.
You've obviously all warez'd a copy.
Now I don't really have much of a problem with that.
We've all been burnt by bad games (CPR, Le Mans) or
even games that some of us liked and hated (DTR).
However even if I don't like this game all that much
I'm going to buy it anyway. Why?
I hated, absolutely hated SCGT when I got it. Uninstalled
it three times. Felt ripped off. Went back to banging my
head on GPL.
But then I found the 3rd party cars, tracks and utils.
SCGT is now a new sim - unbelievably fun. Found a permanent
home on my 20Gig drive.
I think F1-2000 will get the same treatment. So if you like
F1-2000 - buy it. There aren't many companies like Papyrus
and ISI. Support them. I'd rather keep a few good companies
in business than put up with more EA Sports Crap.
This is the first EA Sports Title I'm buying.