ok, GPL is the greatest racing sim ever ( as I mentioned before ).I
downloaded the Demo in April 98, couldn't wait for the full version, got the
full Version the first day it was out in Germany ( to be true, got it the
day before because i bought the english version, which was out one day
before the german one ). Spend hundreds of hours on it, spend hundreds of
Deutschmarks for proper Equipment, Books, Videos, Modelcars ( 1:12 Scale
from Tamiya are great ).
Then i made an Website about GPL, met other GPL-Enthusiasts. In March '99 I
became an Member of an GPL-LAN-League here in Germany in which we reace 100%
Grand Prix's with 19 Drivers every 4 Weeks. So most of my time in front of
my computer im training GPL or doing things related to GPL. Did not by an
Game since the release of GPL, just dont have the time for Games ( the
exception was NASCAR 3 and NASCAR Legends, but they are collecting dust... )
and I' m still very pleased with GPL.
So GPL did not sell well, it sold bad. How can we show our enthusiasm to
Sierra/ Papy ? Just by an second Copy of GPL. Its an way to back up the much
used GPL-CD and to thank Papy. Since GPL is an budget Title now its not an
expensive way to say thank you :-)
And remember: You know, you race to much GPL when in your real life
clutch only for the start
pressing on the horn left and right on your steering-wheel
jfk, but to the Nuerburgring
going to win, Schumacher or H?kkinen, you just don't know what the hell he
is talking about and just answer Jim Clark
Michael Staab
Meine Grand Prix Legends Homepage: http://www.racesimcentral.net/~mstab/
Mitglied in der CAR, Verein fr PC-Rennsimulationen http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Staabi's Mountain Bike Classics http://www.racesimcentral.net/~mstab/mtb/
" To race is to live, everything else is just waiting"