Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Gonz » Mon, 21 May 2001 10:28:45

"William Silvey" <> wrote in message


> Gonzo <> wrote in message
> news:7evN6.6454$
> > "William Silvey" <> wrote in message
> > news:4jmN6.17284$

> > > Gonzo <> wrote in message
> > > news:GUkN6.5139$
> > > > "William Silvey" <> wrote in
> > > > news:FEkN6.16014
> > > > > Compatibility.  See earlier post of mine.

> > > > Explain to me how an Intel CPU based system is more compatible
> > > And
> > > > more compatible with what exactly?  Intel made benchmark software
> > perhaps?
> > > Nope.  3dStudio Max + miro video capture card + WinNT + Adaptec 2940UW
> > > 9.1gb 10k/RPM drive + 256mb RAM on an Athlon 800 + latest drivers etc
> > > nauseam = KABOOM.  Sorry.

> > No actually I feel sorry for you because you are cheating yourself based
> on
> > your own ignorance.  Your posting is a typical anti-alternative CPU
> response
> > in that your problem could be one of a million things but you decide for
> > yourself that it must be the CPU.  Hell, it could be that you simply do
> not
> > know how to configure your CMOS settings for an AMD CPU because you
> > think your running Intel so the problem could very well be your own
> > but you somehow figured that it simpy must be the CPU...typical!

> Ah.  Here we go.  The final degeneration into the rants of a fanboy who
> can't come up with logical arguments or facts to support his statements:
> flame.  Obviously, if I was having *ANY* problems with an AMD CPU it's
> to be end-user, right?  No chance that two separate motherboards and CPUs
> (configured by the vendor, I might add) were choking on high-end
> and very demanding software.  Heh.

You are the one who can't come up with a logical argument.  Your decision to
blame the CPU was based on your personal grudge against AMD and no real
working knowledge of how a PC works.  That's plainly evident in your posting
as anyone can see.  you did nothing to try and fix it but were quick to
blame the CPU.  Where is your logic??  You have none, it's that simple.

> I "somehow figured" it because I've seen it.  Let me state it again: 3dS
> Max, Miro capture card, Adaptec 2940UW, WinNT 4.0 sp6a + your beloved AMD
> CPU = KABOOM.  *get it*?

What I get is that I see somebody who evidently knows very little about
computers in general and who has now painted himself into a corner.  Again,
your assumption was based on nothing but a whim on your part and no real
work at trying to figure out the real problem.  Get it !

> > > It might be a fine system for gaming, but I've
> > > seen it die on the above system.

> > So what, I have seen Intel CPUs die an many situations and that doesn't
> > proove squate now does it?

> That's fine; I don't argue the point.  It proves that for you and your
> desktop gaming console it's a great system.

I do not have a desktop gaming console dumbass.  I have three AMD based PCs
and one Intel pased PC.  You need to keep your posts straight.

> The above situation for the
> noted user (not me, btw, as I have stated before and as you've ignored)
> proves "squate" in that it's not a viable platform for desktop video.  Now
> sit down, fanboy, and quit waving your pom-poms.

Im not a fan boy, Im simple a person who hates to see people post on the
usenet about things they know nothing about and then start flame wars over
them.  Face it Mr. Silvy,  you simply do not have a clue as to what you are
talking about.  Your entire posting is based on your ignorance as was your
assumption that was evident in the piss poor example that you posted.

> > > It's not a question of speed, it's a
> > > matter of stability as well as speed.

> > There you go making unsuported claims again.  What stablitity?  My
> > system is the most stable system I have ever owned and I started out
> > an Intel fan going back all the way to the 4.7 MHz PC/XT and TI-99.
> > stability issues exactly are you talking about?

> I outlined them already.

BS.  You haven't outlined squat.  Posting one piss-poor example of  a
missconfigured system is not outlinging anything except for the fact that
you do not have a clue as to how to even begin diagnosing a PC problem.

>Of course, you snipped them, so I reckon either
> you deliberately weren't paying attention, or you're just ignorant.
> Difficult choice.

There is no choice as you have posted only hot air.  Show me something
concrete!  All you have proven is that you know very little about PCs.

- Show quoted text -

> > >I ran a different 3d package on it
> > > (VistaPro 4.01, a terrain generator) and hey, 9000 frame animations
> > > took 72-128hrs to render on my PII-300 were returned with estimated
> render
> > > times of 8-12 hours on the Athlon.  Unfortunately, the system wasn't
> mine
> > to
> > > use and VistaPro wasn't the only 3d package being run on it.  Further,
> > > losing hours of work because of the instability like that is
> unacceptable
> > > for a professional.  Not quite like a CTD in Falcon 4, y'know.

> > Uhhh I have news you for,  your system is hosed.  It's amazing how
> > find it so easy to blame the CPU when if fact all they really need to do
> is
> > start diagnosing the problem.  Could have been a bad configuration, bad
> ram,
> > overheating,  hosed software, not strong enough PS etc etc etc but
> > noooo it must be the CPU because it's made by AMD!  Give me a break!

> Vishnu H. Krishna, it's "deliberately not paying attention".  This IS NOT
> your desktop console running a dozen applets, media-players, unstable DX
> versions and using an overclocked video-card, bucko.  The RAM works in a
> different system, on a different system board.  It was a 300w PS.  I could
> spend an hour typing up the details of the troubleshooting done on the
> system (perhaps more), but why waste my time?  You've proven that instead
> being able to agree to disagree, you're an AMD fanboy who thinks that CPU
> performance = constant framerates in Q3A (perhaps the *lamest* system
> benchmark I've EVER seen) and apparently addicted to "converting" me, or
> maybe better still gainsaying any attempt to relate a bad experience
> I work with had with an AMD system (make that TWO AMD systems).  Just drop
> it.

Your a dumbass you know that?
1)I do not play quake
2)I do not run benchmarks
3)I am not an AMD spokesperson but I do dislike arogant and stupid people
like you.

- Show quoted text -

> > >No amount of
> > > dead-chicken-waving, glorified AMD benchmarking, ultra-freezer cooling
> nor
> > > anything else would overcome the issues Steve had with his system (the
> > > aforementioned person; this was his setup).

> > No, simply puting your brain in gear and realizing that the system had a
> > problem that needed to be fixed is what it would have taken.  You remind
> me
> > of the types of people who trade in their two year old car that is not
> > paid for because the battery is starting to die out LOL!

> You remind me of the typical usenet idiot fanboy idealogue, addicted to
> proving that he/she/it got the "better deal".  Your constant grind towards
> unrivalled oneupmanship has completely dissolved any true argumentative
> style or forensic ability and you've been reduced to flame and invective
> simply because you cannot or will not accept that somehow your beloved AMD
> *wasn't the system of choice in a given environment*.  Pathetic.

Your the one who's pathetic.  You cant produce a valid argment and you have
shown me zero proof that the CPU was to blame so you have lowered yourself
to the level of a pathetic troll.

It's strange how you like to use the word "logic" in your postings yet the
meaning of the word somehow completely escapes you.

Im through arguing with you as you have nothing to offer except your
ammusing and apparent lack of knoledge and common sense.


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Gonz » Mon, 21 May 2001 10:36:41

> > I believe you.  Laptops are a whole different animal.  Rest assured
> > that if a laptop has problems and it just happen to have an AMD CPU in
> > there will always be people who will blame the CPU no matter what.  Sad
> but
> > true.

> > Laptops are way too proprietary.  You will have a hard time putting
> on
> > the beasts.  Your chances are about 50/50 that it will work.

> But the laptops were just an example I was giving. I've seen various
> problems on desktops in the past too, and yes, with *INTEL* processors in
> them. This is just the world of the x86 PC, welcome to it, and don't pull
> your hair too hard.

I agree with you.  I build, repair and upgrade system in my spare time and
have do so for a long time.  What gets under my skin is these uneducated
idiots who keep blaming the CPU instead of doing any kind of problem
diagosing themsevles.  That's the only reason I jumped into this thread in
the***place.  Thoseof us that have at least some technical knowledge have
an obligation to put in our two cents to tip the scales a bit as there are
too many uninformed people posting in the usenet like they know what the
hell they are talking about when in fact they don't.

Yes, I do tend to blow off some steam from time to time but sad part is that
many newbies will read postings in this NG and take it as gospel.  They will
then pay more for an inferior product made by Intel and that IMHO is a
shame.  Just my two cents.


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by M » Mon, 21 May 2001 12:51:35

>I'm guessing that since 3dfx died, we can't have people flame about video
>cards as much anymore, so we gotta start in on the processors.  What's
>next - "You use Maxtor - you loser - Western Digital rules!!! "


>Ken's Sig 3.2

Screw that!

I use 4 Plextor CD writers....


Yousuf Kha

Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Yousuf Kha » Mon, 21 May 2001 14:09:20

Well, I know you picked up on the fact that Mr. William Silvey hadn't done
enough diagnosing of his problems to form a relevant opinion. I picked up on
that fact too.

I personally don't care if somebody decides to use an Intel or AMD processor
or at what Mhz. I just don't like seeing FUD being spread around because of
ignorance. I tend to point out and defend against falsehoods directed at
Intel too.

    Yousuf Khan


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Jagg » Mon, 21 May 2001 15:41:55

On Sat, 19 May 2001 21:18:52 GMT, "William Silvey"

> It was a 300w PS.  I could
>spend an hour typing up the details of the troubleshooting done on the
>system (perhaps more), but why waste my time?  

Just because it was 300w doesn't mean it was an adequate PS for the
AMD cpu. You need to look at the amp ratings on the rail. Not all 300w
power supplies are created equal.
eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format

Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by RenderedBri » Mon, 21 May 2001 16:41:27

>>Well, yes, I would rather the Porshce slowed down, than the engine
>>getting blown!  Arrive at your destination later or pay for a new

> If the engine is designed well it's not going to blow if it gets hot.

Exactly. Which is why an engine (or a cpu) should throttle back if it is
overheating!  If the *car* is badly designed, with poor airflow over the
engine bay, then the engine will overheat. Is that the fault of the engine,
or the car manufacturer?

Exactly. No problem at all, except if there is insufficient cooling.

- Turn up the heat to reply -

E. J. Akel

Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by E. J. Akel » Mon, 21 May 2001 19:35:25

I kind of see this problem as the problems I'm having with Linux. I can get
Linux to work. It takes some time, advice from others, and some work. I'm
sura I can get both CPU's to work well. But there is always specifics about
'new' hardware that you need to learn. Especially if you build your computer

Is'nt it sometimes that hardware ARE incompatible with other hardware (as a
specifik CPU)? Even if it as in (some) Cyrix x86 was a software thing. What
I mean is: it does not matter if the hardware is no-go becouse of OS/driver.
If it does not work it does not do the job. And there will always be
programs at least that is not all-hardware compatible.

I'm told by programming friends that is becouse programmers sometimes takes
shortcuts and uses specifik instructions in the wrong (but efficient) way.

I would like some insight on the following: What loopholes are there with
AMD/Intel? Pros/Cons.
(Asked this before but got mostly aswers that where of the this rox that sux
type. These are not credible, or probable.)


> > I agree with you.  I build, repair and upgrade system in my spare time
> > have do so for a long time.  What gets under my skin is these uneducated
> > idiots who keep blaming the CPU instead of doing any kind of problem
> > diagosing themsevles.  That's the only reason I jumped into this thread
> > the***place.  Thoseof us that have at least some technical knowledge
> have
> > an obligation to put in our two cents to tip the scales a bit as there
> > too many uninformed people posting in the usenet like they know what the
> > hell they are talking about when in fact they don't.

> > Yes, I do tend to blow off some steam from time to time but sad part is
> that
> > many newbies will read postings in this NG and take it as gospel.  They
> will
> > then pay more for an inferior product made by Intel and that IMHO is a
> > shame.  Just my two cents.

> Well, I know you picked up on the fact that Mr. William Silvey hadn't done
> enough diagnosing of his problems to form a relevant opinion. I picked up
> that fact too.

> I personally don't care if somebody decides to use an Intel or AMD
> or at what Mhz. I just don't like seeing FUD being spread around because
> ignorance. I tend to point out and defend against falsehoods directed at
> Intel too.

>     Yousuf Khan


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by KdF » Mon, 21 May 2001 22:40:53

<Slaps Pasha>  (e-mail me you looney so I can get your real address)

Hey! Why arn`t you making N4 sounds???

Thanks for all y`all replying to this thread. I am pondering yet another
system build. I was going with the P4 but found out that besides the
propritory memory have to use their Power supply and Case. I
am now leaning to a T-bird 1.33...and I can use my Evan Vital case and 400w
power supply<the 266mz memory is cheap>. Now I see AMD is comming out with a
1.5 Duron.....oh the agony!

To wait or not to wait.....


ICQ # 15778345

> >I'm guessing that since 3dfx died, we can't have people flame about video
> >cards as much anymore, so we gotta start in on the processors.  What's
> >next - "You use Maxtor - you loser - Western Digital rules!!! "

> >--

> >Ken's Sig 3.2


> I use 4 Plextor CD writers....

> Pasha


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by JD » Mon, 21 May 2001 23:03:33

2001 07:41:27 GMT, as he held forth on "Re: Don't buy that P4 just
yet!  :)"

Exactly. Why is this so hard to understand? I personally have
nothing against the current AMD product line... but I gotta
believe there are a lot of AMD purchasers out there who are
feeling very insecure with their decision for one reason or
another. This article, and the argument it spawned here, is
nothing but straw grasping.

Regards, JD

Dan Brook

Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Dan Brook » Tue, 22 May 2001 00:43:05

I'm considering the same upgrade.  Allan, what MB and memory did you buy?


> Well, I just put together a new system and had to make that same
> decision. I selected an AMD T-bird simply because it had more
> performance for the price. The benchmarks I saw showed the 1.33Ghz
> T-bird equal or better in many categories over a P4. But the final
> factor was price. At the time of purchase, the AMD was almost half the
> price of the P4. I have *always* gone with Intel up to this point.
> However, the AMD just has more performance for the $$$. At some point
> all of the P4's potential will be realised by software that takes
> advantage of its features. However, until that point, I will have a
> fast, economical and reliable chip in the form of the T-bird. I learned
> a while back not to purchase computer hardware based on future
> implementations. Buy something affordable that performs well on software
> you utilize. I am sure someone will step in with all of the detailed
> technical merits of each chip but that is why I purchased AMD over Intel
> this time around.

> Allan

> > I do not get it. As I'm about to buy a new CPU I would like to hear the
> > pros/cons of AMD/Intel.

> > TIA,
> > MadMan

> > > >You are silly.

> > > >The reason AMD ever 'got any' was because they sucked, for years, and
> > years.

> > > You're an idiot. Intel sucks now. Get it?
> > > --
> > > eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format
> > >

Yousuf Kha

Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Yousuf Kha » Tue, 22 May 2001 00:48:46

There were a few specific incompatibilities with Cyrixes in the past. It's a
bit of a sordid history. In one case Creative Labs and Cyrix got into a
patent dispute, and from that point forward Creative put in some Cyrix
detectors which would mean that Soundblasters and other Creative products
would not install on systems with Cyrix processors. That was a deliberate
incompatibility done for political reasons rather than technical reasons.
Creative eventually corrected the situation after the patent disputes were

In another case, certain game manufacturers put CPU detectors into their
installation programs. I can recall that one such game was Papyrus'
Indycar/CART Racing II. This was put in to detect whether you were running a
Pentium-class processor or later vs. a 486 or earlier class. The only
reasoning behind this was not because they used Pentium x86 instruction set
extensions, but simply to detect if they felt your processor was fast enough
to handle the game. The earlier Cyrixes attempted to identify themselves as
486 processors (albeit very fast 486's), even though they ran on Pentium
motherboards. I don't know what the specific rationale behind trying to look
like a 486 was, but I suspect that they didn't want to support the few
extended Pentium instruction set, they wanted to stick with the familiar;
when Cyrix designed the 6x86, the Pentium wasn't yet the mainstream, the 486
was still the vast majority of installations. Anyways, they were detected as
486's by the game installers, and instead of attempting to run benchmarks to
see if these 486's were indeed fast enough to run the game, they just
detected the type of CPU and made the assumption that it wouldn't be fast
enough. I can't recall right now if this was a fatal flaw that prevented
installation, or just a prominent warning that allowed installation to
continue; but in either case, it scared people away. Later Cyrixes such as
the MX, supported the full Pentium classic instruction set as well as teh
MMX instruction set and identified themselves as Pentium as well by default.

Yes, sometimes programmers take shortcuts which cause some problems from
time to time. It is usually caused by trying to do things that aren't
supported through the OS. Microsoft is doing a much better job these days of
giving game developers a worthy DirectX interface that allows them great
flexibility in using services from the OS, instead of trying to do the job

But sometimes Microsoft itself gets caught making some poor shortcut
decisions (actually they do that a lot, but they usually get away with it),
and it affects their compatibility with processors. In one case with the AMD
K6 processors that ran above 350Mhz there was a timing loop within Windows
95 that was causing problems. The specific set of instructions that
Microsoft was using got optimized within the K6's to a point where they ran
too fast and it overflowed the timing loop. Microsoft knew about the
problem, and issued a widely-available patch specifically for the AMD's.
Microsoft admitted the problem, and the problem was that they were making an
assumption about processors, and that they didn't expect the problem to rear
its ugly head until processors hit 700Mhz, but they began to appear in the
K6's way before they hit that number. It was obvious that they were
expecting the problem to occur eventually by 700Mhz so they would've had to
make the modification anyway. It is one of the few times that there were
some truly CPU-specific incompatibilities with AMDs, but the Intel
processors would've suffered the same problem once they hit 700Mhz; of
course they have now gone over 700Mhz, but most machines running at those
speeds are using Windows 98 or higher, so the problem is not an issue.

You know in all honesty, I can't think of any advantages that an Intel
processor has over an AMD processor these days. There are a few areas where
they are close to each other, but no areas where Intel have a lead. We also
have to distinguish between which Intel and which AMD processors we're
talking about, since there is a hodgepodge of Athlons, Celerons, Durons,
P3's and P4's out there.

Intel's P3 despite being an older processor is a more efficient processor
than P4, because it can run more instructions per cycle (IPC) than P4 can.
The P3 was also almost identical in efficiency to Athlon. The P4 runs much
faster than P3 or Athlon, but it can't do as much during each of those
cycles; it's a high-revving, small displacement engine. The P3 was better
competition for the Athlon, but it topped out at 1.0Ghz.  The P3 would've
had its own limitations as it would've fallen behind the Athlon when DDR RAM
was used, because the P3's memory interface tops out at 133Mhz, whereas the
Athlon goes at upto 266Mhz. The P4 has a memory bandwidth advantage over the
Athlon, because the P4 runs at upto 400Mhz, but again its low IPC count make
it fall behind.

There is plenty of evidence out there that AMD is being noticed these days,
by companies big and small. Microsoft is not dismissing alternative
processors these days. Companies like Motorola, IBM, Cisco, etc. are
cooperating with AMD on various technologies, where they share and trade
patents with each other. Nvidia is making a laptop chipset primarily for the
Athlons with an integrated GeForce-series accelerator built-in. Micron also
seems to have ongoing plans to get into the chipset market, again with an
Athlon chipset. I think a lot of it has to do with an unwillingness to want
to deal with Intel anymore.

    Yousuf Khan


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Gonz » Tue, 22 May 2001 02:57:15

The problem with Linux is that there are too many variants out there.  Also
remember that driver support is in its infancy and a lot of the drivers that
exist are not written by the companies themseves but by amature programers
who want to see Linux work.  Same applies to the software for Linux.  Linux
is a labor of love for some but IMHO it's too much of a pain.  I have tried
5 diff distros just for training purposes on a new machine I just built and
find that each one of them has at least two or more major shortcomings.  You
will never have a problem finding a win dirver for just about anything.

Certain motherboards are not compatible with certain sound cards and certain
DIMMs or SIMMs.  Some software is not compatible with certain pieces of
hardware also.  There will always be incompatiblities no matter what simpy
because there are too many parts by to many manufacturers that are
undertested etc.  If you do a search about CPU incompatibilities though you
will most likely turn up empty handed.  The CPU would be the last thing you
need to wory about.   If a CPU is at fault then it is either A)fautly B)has
improper cooling or C)has improper voltage.  I would check everything else

Yep, but people seem to never susupect the software.  Some tend to blame the
CPU no mater what.

AFAOL there are zero incompatibilities with AMD CPUs.  Yes, there are some
with certain chipset boards and some of those have fixes but there is
absolutely no reason for not owning an AMD chipset mainboard with a Duron or
Thunderbird and saving over a comparably overpriced P4 system.  You will
find tons of "this sux"and "this rocks" postings.  It's just a matter of
reading between the lines and asking why "this sux" or why "this rocks" and
then deciding for yourself who knows what they are talking about and who is
full of s***.   Good luck.

Rick Fis

Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Rick Fis » Tue, 22 May 2001 03:16:56

Holy crap!  A post from somebody with some common sense and a reasonable
attitude.  What is this newsgroup coming to?  <g>

> > I kind of see this problem as the problems I'm having with Linux. I can
> get
> > Linux to work. It takes some time, advice from others, and some work.
> > sura I can get both CPU's to work well. But there is always specifics
> about
> > 'new' hardware that you need to learn. Especially if you build your
> computer
> > yourself.

> The problem with Linux is that there are too many variants out there.
> remember that driver support is in its infancy and a lot of the drivers
> exist are not written by the companies themseves but by amature programers
> who want to see Linux work.  Same applies to the software for Linux.
> is a labor of love for some but IMHO it's too much of a pain.  I have
> 5 diff distros just for training purposes on a new machine I just built
> find that each one of them has at least two or more major shortcomings.
> will never have a problem finding a win dirver for just about anything.

> > Is'nt it sometimes that hardware ARE incompatible with other hardware
> a
> > specifik CPU)? Even if it as in (some) Cyrix x86 was a software thing.

> Certain motherboards are not compatible with certain sound cards and
> DIMMs or SIMMs.  Some software is not compatible with certain pieces of
> hardware also.  There will always be incompatiblities no matter what simpy
> because there are too many parts by to many manufacturers that are
> undertested etc.  If you do a search about CPU incompatibilities though
> will most likely turn up empty handed.  The CPU would be the last thing
> need to wory about.   If a CPU is at fault then it is either A)fautly
> improper cooling or C)has improper voltage.  I would check everything else
> first.

> >What
> > I mean is: it does not matter if the hardware is no-go becouse of
> OS/driver.
> > If it does not work it does not do the job. And there will always be
> > programs at least that is not all-hardware compatible.

> > I'm told by programming friends that is becouse programmers sometimes
> takes
> > shortcuts and uses specifik instructions in the wrong (but efficient)

> Yep, but people seem to never susupect the software.  Some tend to blame
> CPU no mater what.

> > I would like some insight on the following: What loopholes are there
> > AMD/Intel? Pros/Cons.
> > (Asked this before but got mostly aswers that where of the this rox that
> sux
> > type. These are not credible, or probable.)

> AFAOL there are zero incompatibilities with AMD CPUs.  Yes, there are some
> with certain chipset boards and some of those have fixes but there is
> absolutely no reason for not owning an AMD chipset mainboard with a Duron
> Thunderbird and saving over a comparably overpriced P4 system.  You will
> find tons of "this sux"and "this rocks" postings.  It's just a matter of
> reading between the lines and asking why "this sux" or why "this rocks"
> then deciding for yourself who knows what they are talking about and who
> full of s***.   Good luck.


Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Gonz » Tue, 22 May 2001 03:07:11

True.  Luckily not all PS have to be on AMD's approved listing to work
either.  The specifics can be found on AMD's web site.

All my local PC builders tested several models and then decided which ones
were their best bet for the money.  Some would not even sell you an Athlon
motherboard unless you purchased the PS from them to boot as there were too
many returns due to this problem.

Yousuf Kha

Don't buy that P4 just yet! :)

by Yousuf Kha » Tue, 22 May 2001 04:03:02

> > Just because it was 300w doesn't mean it was an adequate PS for the
> > AMD cpu. You need to look at the amp ratings on the rail. Not all 300w
> > power supplies are created equal.

> True.  Luckily not all PS have to be on AMD's approved listing to work
> either.  The specifics can be found on AMD's web site.

> All my local PC builders tested several models and then decided which ones
> were their best bet for the money.  Some would not even sell you an Athlon
> motherboard unless you purchased the PS from them to boot as there were
> many returns due to this problem.

This PS problem is going to become more and more prominent as time goes on,
for all processors from all manufacturers. Until now PS's were just an
install and forget item (i.e. a PS is a PS is a PS, etc.). But with
electronic components requiring less and less voltages all of the time these

This is not so much because we need 300W+ PS's to power ever hungrier
components, but because we need steadier and steadier electrical power
characteristics. There's more tolerance in higher wattage PS's than in lower
wattage ones.

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