> > Compatibility. See earlier post of mine.
> Explain to me how an Intel CPU based system is more compatible please.
> more compatible with what exactly? Intel made benchmark software perhaps?
9.1gb 10k/RPM drive + 256mb RAM on an Athlon 800 + latest drivers etc ad
nauseam = KABOOM. Sorry. It might be a fine system for ***, but I've
seen it die on the above system. It's not a question of speed, it's a
matter of stability as well as speed. I ran a different 3d package on it
(VistaPro 4.01, a terrain generator) and hey, 9000 frame animations that
took 72-128hrs to render on my PII-300 were returned with estimated render
times of 8-12 hours on the Athlon. Unfortunately, the system wasn't mine to
use and VistaPro wasn't the only 3d package being run on it. Further,
losing hours of work because of the instability like that is unacceptable
for a professional. Not quite like a CTD in Falcon 4, y'know. No amount of
dead-chicken-waving, glorified AMD benchmarking, ultra-freezer cooling nor
anything else would overcome the issues Steve had with his system (the
aforementioned person; this was his setup).
As far as the "...more compatible with what exactly?", The X86 instruction
set that Intel *created*. I would hope that their own CPUs are compatible
with the instruction sets programmed into them. Sorta circular logic if
they're not. (No pun intended).
Again, this is high-end stuff; perhaps much of the software was Intel
optimized. That said, I've been bitten by the "just as good as Intel!" bug
before: "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
I see all kinds of comments posted on Usenet regarding a myriad of topics
with no proof to substantiate them; I'm sure you've seen others. If the
system in question were still in use, I'd post a screenshot (or, at least a
snapshot taken with a digital camera) of the various crashes that occurred
on the above setup. Same setup, save dual P-II Xeon 450, runs stably for
months and months now. Sorry, that's just the way it is. I reckon you'll
come back with arguments like "Well, the system was crap, then." or "It
must've been a bad CPU or Motherboard." Trust me, the system was swapped
out twice.
Ultimately, given that I'm not going to convince you of the above situation
or of my own desire/need to run an Intel system and since you're certainly
not going to convince me to buy an AMD, let us just agree to disagree and
enjoy the flight sims (or auto-sims, as the case may be).
Heretic #2 of 3e D&D. - ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!!
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