You people dont have a clue. Buy a P4 and try it side by sde with your AMD
systems, I've done it w/ 1.2 and 1.33 AMD's side by side, with same vid
cards (Ultra) and the results were so a like using GPL and N4 in my eyes
it's making you guys sound ridiculous. Justifying your purchase w/ a crummy
article that is totally biased is a waste of your time. That article shows
FPS reduction in Q3 throughout use yet on Mon. nights in a League using N4,
in 3-4 hour races I have yet to see a degradation in the quality of my
race/fps because of the processor throttling back. It's BS. The idea that
intel has not provided adequate cooling specs is also a farse. I got the OEM
package and when I load a highly processor intensive programs (multiple
times simultaneously) It doesnt get hot. My P4 goes from 96*f at idle to
111*f under load. Highest I've seen is 114*f UNDER LOAD! I'm tired of
benchmark tests on software that is over 5 years old. You all are basing
this on a Quaker test LOL And if you thnk there arent hot spot anomolies on
an AMD chip youve got another think coming.
Enjoy your easy bake oven.
Charlie B
> don't buy a P4 AT ALL !!!
> If you want buy an Athlon but why pay more for less ?
> >
> > rms