> >we got involved in the Gulf War. Nobody recalls the name April
> >Glaspie? Saddam, who we backed & supported for many years, asked our
> >opinion/permission on invading what he felt were "stolen" oil fields in
> >Kuwait. He was told by the US we had no interest & basically gave him
> >the green light to proceed. Once he did just that, we go freaking
> >ballistic! The rest, as they say, is history...
> I must say I find this whole discussion very interesting, and I was
> kinda shocked when I read Jasons post about how the US gov knew the
> Japanse were going to attack Pearl Harbour a week before it happened..
> Having a hard time believing that.. simply because the thought is too
> disgusting to be true. But without any proof, discussing this topic is
> rather useless right..
Not having a lot of time at the moment, I did a quick search on Amazon
under FDR to see if anything turned up. What I got was this:
And some of the quotes within fall exactly in line with what my own
mother told me some 30+ years ago. Among them:
"It was not long after the first Japanese bombs fell on the American
naval ships at Pearl Harbor
that *** theories began to circulate, charging that Franklin
Roosevelt and his chief
military advisors knew of the impending attack well in advance. Robert
Stinnett, who served in
the U.S. Navy with distinction during World War II, examines recently
declassified American
documents and concludes that, far more than merely knowing of the
Japanese plan to bomb
Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt deliberately steered Japan into war with
"Although obviously troubled by his discovery of a systematic plan of
deception on the part of the American government, Stinnett does not take
deep issue with its outcome. Roosevelt, he writes, faced powerful
opposition from isolationist forces, and, against them, the Pearl Harbor
attack was "something that had to be endured in order to stop a greater
evil--the Nazi invaders in Europe who had begun the Holocaust and were
poised to invade England."
"What *is* new is Stinnett's discovery of a memorandum by Arthur
McCollum, a Navy lieutenant commander and Japan expert, outlining an
eight-point scheme to back the Japanese into a corner and provoke an
"Whether he needed McCollum to outline them for him or not, FDR
unquestionably adopted policies, most significantly an embargo on trade
with Japan, that any knowledgeable person should have seen would
dramatically increase the likelihood of war."
Just a quick glimpse through & a cut & paste. :-) Hmmm... at $12.80, I
may have to buy this one for myself.
I'm sure there has to be some out there. I distinctly remember reading
about this in the days immediately after the Gulf War ended on CNN.com.
Only lasted a few days, maybe a week or two tops. Then you never heard
anything about it ever again. Just did a quick search on CNN.com under
April Glaspie & came up empty. (No surprise there.) I'll look some
later when I have more time. :-)
Holy cow, hold the boat!! I did a quick search on Dogpile before I hit
send. This one is fascinating. Not only does it back up my stance, but
read the section on oil prices. Anyways... does this guy sound like the
monster towards us that our media whipped everybody up into believing?
His response later after we went off on him was anger, naturally, after
such a betrayal. Here's the link, there are many more sites thru
Dogpile.com searching for April Glaspie.
http://www.racesimcentral.net/;Have Fun!
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