Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here


Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by daxe » Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:02:37

Just out of curiousity, if Saddam H. can afford to rebuild his military, why
isn't he paying for the meds for his own citizens?


Mikkel Gram-Hanse

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Mikkel Gram-Hanse » Tue, 12 Feb 2002 19:46:28

He wears the black hat you know.... not a nice guy by anyones standard.
He simply does not give a damn and we ought to stay above his standards.


Byron Forbe

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Byron Forbe » Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:57:45

      I'm not 100% sure about this topic at the moment, but my current
understanding is as follows.

      As a result of U.S. (U.N., NATO, etc) sanctions against Iraq,
which include the importation of *** of the developed world, there are
children, obviously oblivious to the stupidity of those who have gone
before them (both sides of fence), lying screaming and dying in
hospitals all across Iraq. To say that Saddam is solely responsible for
that is the spontaneous dribble of a fool. An economic sanction means
that, no matter how much money you have, you can't import this and that!

   A couple of questions    1/ How many people in the U.S. are currently
being punished by having their children deprived of needed medication?

    2/ Why should these Iraqi children be punished for the gutless
failure to kill Saddam by the U.N. forces. They were knocking on his
door when some genius said "Nah, I've had enough. Lets go home and have
a beer". Then the betrayal of the Curds.............. When do the right
people get screwed here?

    Personally, I cut myself away spiritually and economically from the
anglo saxon/white english speaking world (hmmm, I'll have to revise this
because the head of the U.N. is a black man last I looked) a couple of
decades ago now. This type of obscenity reminds me I'm on the right

> >   Just out of curiosity, would you play a role in the enforcing of
> > economic sanctions that deprive babies of medication in Iraqi hospitals?

> Just out of curiousity, if Saddam H. can afford to rebuild his military, why
> isn't he paying for the meds for his own citizens?

> ~daxe

rik zeppeli

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by rik zeppeli » Tue, 12 Feb 2002 23:41:29

Thats funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing about you guys.

Ruud van Ga

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Ruud van Ga » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 00:22:56

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 23:57:45 +1100, Byron Forbes


Probably not a failure but intended; it's easier to have a known
person in a country that has a very bad reputation and have
constraints that last and last (the sanctions) than to kill Saddam,
have somebody step into his place, and have to deal with somebody with
a cleaner slate.

Too bad that often the word 'God' and 'religion' falls when people
talk about ideologies; I'd rather have it that people not use that to
back them up but come to their conclusions based on their own thinking
about the way people should interact.

Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim:
Pencil art  :

Jens H. Kruus

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Jens H. Kruus » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 01:40:13

> > Don't worry Ken, Rik is not actually understanding any of this anyway.
> > I believe he saw something on Jerry Springer regarding the whole thing and
> > is quoting that from memory.

> > It is sad that someone from a country with such relatively high
> educational
> > standards as the US,  can be so narrowminded and so unable to seperate
> fact
> > from the fiction seen on TV.

> Thats funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing about you guys.

Zing! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Busybody Gram-Hansen! You have
been Zeppelined! :-) How on Earth will you be able to live with yourself now?


"Det du siger, er du selv!"

Captain Americ

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Captain Americ » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 02:59:12

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 04:25:50 +0100, "Mikkel Gram-Hansen"

>*LOL* this just has got to be some European trying to make all you US guys
>look stupid.
>Not a nice trick.. but fun ;)


>Gotta love details like the Captain America sig.

Actually, I am American. Unfortunately, as you can see, it's no big
trick to make many Americans look stupid, particularly liberals like
Fester and Black Cat. They're scumbags that probably haven't ever been
out of the states to realize how good things are here.
Cat is probably a liberal arts major that joined a community college
to avoid the draft.

They're mad about security being stepped up in the US, despite the
blatantly obvious fact that the planes flown into the WTC took off
from American soil. The terrorists are already operating here, you
***ing dinks, THAT's why security needs to be strong here, not
because we're Nazi's. Some other jackass keeps spouting off about
Enron, as that had ANY ***ing thing to do with all this.
It's pathetic.

Gerry Aitke

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Gerry Aitke » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 03:03:57

> Hey Captain ***head, all I've done in this thread is post a link with no
> comment and you think you know my views on this subject?

You did comment, you complete and utter ***! You posted the link, then
you said, "A little reality to go along with all the patriotism."

That's a comment in my book!

jason moy

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by jason moy » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 03:26:11

> So, why don't you stand up for your beliefs and go join the terrorists like
> johnny walker, or the kid in florida?

Because I don't agree with the terrorists.  I think you're misreading
what I wrote.  I think that their actions are completely justified in
light of the fact that the deaths on 9/11 pale in comparison to the
terror we've unleashed on the world, but I can't wholeheartedly
support *** of any sort.  I feel pretty strongly that Osama Bin
Laden, George HW Bush, and Ariel Sharon (god I miss Rabin) should be
tried in an international court for their crimes against humanity.

My beliefs are that *** accomplishes nothing and that there are
very few times in the history of the world when it was necessary (the
Battle of Britain for example).  So what should I do to stand up for
my beliefs?  I can't think of a particularly radical way to express
pacifism unless I become a stereotypically hypocritical neo-hippie.  I
have considered running for office but really, in a country of
trend-following war mongerers, what's the point?  There are already
plenty of Michael Moores in this country.

It would be nice if the US were the Land of the Free that our
slave-owning forefathers envisioned <sic> but in reality, our all-out
policing of the globe in the name of freedom and justice is akin to a
parent who smokes 2 packs a day telling their kid that smoking is bad.
 Unfortunately, propaganda speaks louder than actions.

Personally, I'd just like to be put into a controlled coma until we
have President Hillary, since she's the only person I can think of
with a snail's chance of ever being elected here who would have the
'balls' to stand up against idiocy (including the destruction of the
working class by her husband).  It would absolutely rule to have a
president who wasn't having their*** sucked by the CEO's of GM and
Ford.  Are you familiar with the huge tax refunds George II has given
corporations in the past year in order to try and fix the economy?
I'm still wondering how building new auto factories in Mexico is going
to get things rolling here.  3 cheers for trickle down economics.

Good for you.  If being reprogrammed into a human target is something
that you would enjoy, go for it.  I'd rather spend as much time as I
can with the people I care about then be sent off into the desert to
fight meaningless battles for Enron, Exxon, and Unocal.


David G Fishe

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by David G Fishe » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 05:31:31

> > Hey Captain ***head, all I've done in this thread is post a link with
> > comment and you think you know my views on this subject?

> You did comment, you complete and utter ***! You posted the link, then
> you said, "A little reality to go along with all the patriotism."

> That's a comment in my book!

Take your medication. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's you who's
Captain ***head.

David G Fisher

Gerry Aitke

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Gerry Aitke » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 06:15:10

> > > Hey Captain ***head, all I've done in this thread is post a link with
> no
> > > comment and you think you know my views on this subject?

> > You did comment, you complete and utter ***! You posted the link, then
> > you said, "A little reality to go along with all the patriotism."

> > That's a comment in my book!

> Take your medication. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's you who's
> Captain ***head.

Hey Captain Fishhead, all I've done in this thread is point out that you
DID make a comment as well as post a link and you think you know my
views on this subject?

I bet you're Captain ***head, bored of trolling others you now troll
yourself instead. You utter, utter, utter ***er!

Yours sneeringly


rik zeppeli

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by rik zeppeli » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:23:20

"Subject: Cruise to Afganistan

Cruise to Afghanistan!

We at Carnival Cruise Lines didn't forget that a lot of entertainers
promised to leave the country if George W. Bush became President.  With that
in mind, we have a Special Offer for those who want to keep their promise!

Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell, Cher, Phil Donahue, David Gephin, Barbara
Streisand, Pierre
Salinger, and anyone else who made that promise, please dispose of all US
assets and report to Florida for the sailing of the Funship Cruise,
"Elation," which has been commissioned to take you to your new vacation
homes in Afghanistan.

You may opt to be dropped off in Somalia or Iraq.  The Florida Supreme Court
will sponsor a Farewell Parade in your honor through Palm Beach, Broward,
and Miami-Dade counties prior to your cruise.  Please pack for an extended
stay--at least four years--and consider the possibility of eight years.

Since you advocate strict gun control, you may not bring any.

Staffing your voyage is:

Bill Clinton as Captain,
Al***as Cruise Director,
Monica Lewinsky as Recreation Director,
Ted Kennedy as Lifeguard and Emergency Procedures Director,
Rev. Jesse Jackson as Spiritual Advisor and Marriage Counselor, and
Congressman Gary Condit as Intern Coordinator.

If you have any questions about making arrangements for  your homes,
friends, and loved ones, please direct your comments to Senator Hillary
Clinton.  Her village can raise your children while you're gone,
and she can watch over all your money and your furnishings.

Bon Voyage!  It's a great country

jason moy

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by jason moy » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:01:03

> Actually, I am American. Unfortunately, as you can see, it's no big
> trick to make many Americans look stupid, particularly liberals like
> Fester and Black Cat.

Please tell me you're not one of those morons who sees the world as
either conservative or liberal.  Democratic Presidents have started
more armed conflicts than any other party (at least modern, liberal
Democrats).  Roosevelt wanted to get involved in World War II but
Americans didn't want a part of it.  He tried to instigate Germany,
hoping they'd attack the boats of supplies we were giving England, but
Hitler knew better than to provoke us.  So, instead, he neglected to
tell the navy stationed at Pearl Harbor about an advancing Japanese
fleet (which we had known about over a week prior to the incident)
knowing that the complete and utter obliteration of our forces, by
surprise, would convince Americans to fight.  Lyndon Johnson wanted a
justification for a war in Vietnam, so he sent ships into the Gulf of
Tonkin trying to provoke an attack.  While there's still speculation
as to whether we were attacked first, regardless, Johnson turned it
into a media event and garnered support for the Vietnam war (if we had
realized then the importance of media blackouts during war, such as
those we've been using since the Gulf War, I bet we would've been in
Vietnam at least until Reagan's presidency).  Clinton was possibly
even worse than Roosevelt and Johnson, launching missile strikes on
Sudan, sending troops into Kosovo, etc.  I think Clinton might be the
one recent president who I think would've acted even faster than Bush
did in terms of retaliation, having learned his mistake after the
Sudanese aspirin factory incident.

So anyway, 3 of our most liberal presidents were more than willing to
use completely unnecessary brute force when they felt like it.  Saying
that anti-war = liberal is a pile of bullshit.  Really in this day and
age there is practically no difference between liberals and
conservatives anyway.  They're one huge party of corporate-backed
scumbags who are trying to eliminate the middle class and anyone whose
views are unlike theirs.  Want something censored?  Chances are you'll
be getting backed by a liberal (Joseph Lieberman).

I guess if not having a job, having Christianity and homophobia
constantly shoved down your throat, and having nearly 50% of the white
population still believing slavery was a good idea and waving their
gay Confederate flags are 'good things', then you have a point.  When
people make comments like yours, it's amusing, because they always
make comparisons to 3rd world nations.  Why?  Because the United
States is nearly dead last in all social progress among first world
nations.  The way religion dictates social policy here is ridiculous,
and not something you'd see in say England or Germany.  The mass
exodus of scientists and philosophers from this country because
Judeo-Christian leaders won't allow them to do their work is
reminiscent of the exodus of German thinkers escaping Hitler in the
mid-1930's.  If Bush somehow gets re-elected (which I find unlikely,
since the American economy will get worse before 2004 if his economic
policies so far are an indication) then it's very possible that by
2008 scientific and philosophic progress in the United States will
practically grind to a halt, at least in terms of medicine.  If a cure
for cancer is found within the next 100 years, there is *no* chance of
it being discovered by an American working in the United States.  Why?
 Because our politicians are more interested in leading the new
Crusades than progressing civilization.

The draft?  We haven't had a draft, or come close to one, since
Vietnam.  Unless Bush magically pulls a huge budget surplus out of his
ass, I find it unlikely anyone will allow one to happen again.  The
hippies who protested the Vietnam war were a very small minority
compared to the number of anti-war people living here now, and I'd be
willing to bet that the institution of a draft for the War on
American-made Terror would lead to an all-out revolution.

I blame the airlines.  If the heads of airlines would invest some of
their seven figure salaries into hiring a few hundred armed security
guards it would've never happened.  Of course, they've already managed
to convince Congress to give them money by conducting layoffs that
were going to happen regardless of 9/11 (in addition to pulling a nice
media stunt and blaming 9/11 for the layoffs).  Thank God corporations
dictate policy in America, or we'd be in a whole pile of hot water!

They were also trained here at Fort Bragg using your (or, based on
your tone, your parents') tax money.  Were you alive during the 80's?
There was even a fun song by the Dead Kennedys about it...

They're an energy company.  We had already been planning to invade
Afghanistan in March of 2001 at the behest of energy companies who
wanted an oil pipeline run through Afghanistan, but couldn't have it
while the Taliban was in power.

Not to sound paranoid (and I don't believe this myself) but wouldn't
it RULE if your government blew up the World Trade Center in order to
justify an already planned war in Afghanistan?  "But wait," you say,
"you'd have to be nuts to believe our own government would do
something like that."  Ever read the
unclassified Operation Northwoods documents?  Hmmmm....  What's a few
thousand people for a whole lot of oil, money, and ***?

Jason (still wondering why a plot hatched in Afghanistan culminated in
the arrests of hundreds of Saudis and Israelis, rather than
Afghanis...and still waiting for this proof of Bin Laden's involvement
that we had in September but still hasn't surfaced)

Uncle Feste

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by Uncle Feste » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:21:58

> Actually, I am American. Unfortunately, as you can see, it's no big
> trick to make many Americans look stupid, particularly liberals like
> Fester and Black Cat.

Back for more Princess America?  If liberalism is demanding Freedom of
Speech to be actually that & not have anything unsavory by current
governmental standards censored & shut down, then you can poke your
Conservatism up you tight little a$$hole!



"Is it that we need a nobrainer Linux desktop OS for people with no
brains or should people do a little more reading and smarten up?"
                                         from alt.linux.mandrake NG

rik zeppeli

Way OT -- Patriotic outburst here

by rik zeppeli » Wed, 13 Feb 2002 14:34:31

> > Our coutry rocks.
> > I'm damn proud to be an American.

> Please leave those poor victims and their families alone now, and stop
> abusing the memory of them.

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