Man, oh man. So damn many whiners with nothing better to do than***
on the competition's products.
This groups sounds suspiciously like another "religious cult" I know
all too well... MAC Users. Get over it. They're figgin' VIDEO
You all act like your mother designed the board and now it's your
sworn duty to defend her honor. Get over it. 3dfx makes some pretty
kick-ass boards and "now they've got company" (for those who want to
sling the "NVidia ain't shipped it yet" tripe: "the company is now
knocking on the door").
The beautiful thing that seems to be escaping all of your pathetic
little, hype-washed, marketing minion brains is that for the first
time in a LONG TIME (like nearly forever), 3dfx has some stiff
competition that will give them a true rival in the ***
marketspace. This is a GOOD thing. NVidia is now pushing 3dfx (STB
now, doh!), via competition to lower prices AND develop better
products. This is in no small part due to the fact that MANY "would
be" (and former!) 3dfx customers bought TNT boards this winter. Ouch!
Santa was NOT as kind to 3dfx as he coulda been. And, with the advent
of the TNT2, the V3 needed to be priced more competitively, OR ELSE.
SPECIAL NOTE to all you folks who went out and paid LESS for a V3 2000
or 3000 than any single V2 this past week:
D'ya think STB released a BETTER card than a V2 at LESS than the cost
of nearly any currently available 12MB V2 (as of last week) just
'cause they just felt like it? Or, perhaps, out of the goodness of
their hearts?! You should all thank NVidia, even if you HATE the
company, their boards, and their 'trolls'. Without the TNT and the
soon-to-be TNT2, no doubt you'd be either still drooling over a $200+
V3 at EB or sucking it up and doling out yet again TOO MUCH cash (ala
V2) just to get your hands on a good 3D Video board. You're kidding
yourselves if you think for a minute that the pricing wasn't heavily
influenced by the sudden arrival of legitimate alternative.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program...
If you'll stop the whining long enough, you might realize that, no
matter WHICH chip maker you choose to pledge undying allegiance to,
the existence of the competition will drive board development forward
and prices downward. Isn't this what you all REALLY want? Or is the
mind-numbing, intoxicating stupor that comes along with being a troll
just too much for you to give up?!?
Me and my ATI Rage II/8MB and CL V2 8MB are merrily puttin' along as
we watch the competition heat up and head into the early summer, when
the choices will begin to expand and I can exercise my right to choose
based on what I think is important and not what I'm being TOLD is
important. Ahhh, the liberty of choice and the healthy does of
confusion that comes along with it. Maybe that's what's got you all
down. You might have to make a choice and it just might KILL you to
Come wipe me, I'm done.
On Fri, 09 Apr 1999 16:52:24 GMT, "Ken Beard"
>Thou shalt play Tribes in software mode.
>Thou shalt wait for OpenGL patches to play games.
>Thou shalt wait for the card to actually walk on water before praising it.
>Ken's Sig 2.01
>"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system
>of government.
> Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from
>some farcical aquatic ceremony."
>Go #43 and #44!
>volksy (at) geocities (dot) com
>volksy (at) yahoo (dot) com
>>> No, no no Nathan, it's not a graphics card, it's RELIGION ! :-)
>>Thou shalt not render in less than 32-bit color.
>>Thou shalt allow large textures.
>>Thou shalt use thine AGP bus to its fullest extent.