screen flickers and the sound is garbled. I have all the newest
drivers and nothing makes a difference! Anybody have suggestions?
That's a total pisser since I just got my hands on a beta version of
Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel!!!!!!!!
Shit happens.....
Thanx for the reply
>>With my voodoo2 under win98 I can't get the game to work!!! The
>>screen flickers and the sound is garbled. I have all the newest
>>drivers and nothing makes a difference! Anybody have suggestions?
>That's a total pisser since I just got my hands on a beta version of
>Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel!!!!!!!!
>Shit happens.....
>Thanx for the reply
>>Win98 is the problem. GPl demo doesn't like it.
>>>With my voodoo2 under win98 I can't get the game to work!!! The
>>>screen flickers and the sound is garbled. I have all the newest
>>>drivers and nothing makes a difference! Anybody have suggestions?
> > I happen to run GPL demo on win 98. The procedure to meke it work have been
> > posted several times on r.a.s but it seems to work only on some systems.
> Jan,
> Please repeat it. I missed the previous ones. Or point me at any earlier post
> that's still on r.a.s.
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
1. Unpack the gpldemo.exe to c:\gpl using winzip. (Dont run the file)
2. Copy wininet.dll from c:\gpl to c:\gpl\program
3. Make c:\gpl\options.ini not read only (uncheck in properties)
4. edit c:\gpl\options.ini to read:
[ Graphic Options ]
lastRasterizerDLL = rast3dfx.dll ; Last rasterizer DLL used
[ Driving Resolution ]
height = 768 ; Resolution height of the driving
width = 1024 ; Resolution width of the driving
Substitute rast3dfx.dll (for 3dfx) with renddll.dll or softdll.dll as
appropriate (for rendition or software)
Enter resolution as appropriate (e.g. 480x640)
5. Make c:\gpl\options.ini read only.
6. Make c:\gpl\program\controls directory
7. Start the game. Calibrate joystick before racing.
I have to delete the file in the c:\gpl\program\controls\player.cfg before
starting the game, otherwise it will hang. So every time I have to redo
joystick calibration bit of a pain but worth it!
Seems a reasonably painless way of getting GPL to run under Win98, unless
someone knows better!
Well, thats all dandy, but considerately those whack blokes at Sierra have
decided not to bother including Force Feedback via I-Force 2.0 or MS Protocol.
They have decided not to include provision for an "effect" that is, at
best, nothing more than an arcade effect.
Until that effect approaches something other than a cheap thrill, which
certainly won't happen for anything less than a thousand dollars (at
current valuation), then Papyrus should steer way clear of FF.
> Well, thats all dandy, but considerately those whack blokes at Sierra have
> decided not to bother including Force Feedback via I-Force 2.0 or MS Protocol.
> Z.
>They have decided not to include provision for an "effect" that is, at
>best, nothing more than an arcade effect.
>Until that effect approaches something other than a cheap thrill, which
>certainly won't happen for anything less than a thousand dollars (at
>current valuation), then Papyrus should steer way clear of FF.
Not latching on too I Force 2.0 is a serious flaw by GPL in my mind.
Er, and have you picked this $1000 mark from anywhere serious, other than your
Research Quality is well in excess of this figure, and the current pricing of
the I-force 2 Home equipment Will see US $ ammount betwen $100-$300.
I guess at the end of the day it just goes to show that the boys at Papy seem
to stick in the rut as far as advances in hardware and technology go.
> Not latching on too I Force 2.0 is a serious flaw by GPL in my mind.
> Er, and have you picked this $1000 mark from anywhere serious, other than your
> ass?
> I always cast a jaded eye
> toward anyone who feels the need to impress me with their signature
> line.