I have no problem with the difficulty in handling the cars in GPL, and
I assume that I will get better with practice. This difficulty exists
most likely because these 1967 F1 cars are modeled very accurately (or
at least it seems like it - what do I know about 1967 F1 cars, or 1998
F1 cars for that matter :) )
The sense of speed being this slow really takes away from the realism
of the game (at least to some degree). It bothers me when hitting the
straights, but not nearly as much as when I'm cornering (where this
flaw really stands out).
I get deceived into thinking that I'm going slow enough to handle the
turn, but wind up spinning out. And when I do go fast enough to
handle them properly, it looks like I'm going 5 miles/hour.
Papy seems to have all the technical aspects of a simulation set, but
the feeling that I'm actually driving a 1967 F1 car is diminished
simply because of this "sense of speed" issue.
I hope this gets corrected in the final version.
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