This is the same unwinnable discussion that has plagued most other
online games before GPL, such as Quake1/2 where people with faster
connections are called LPB's (Low Ping Bastards) by people with slower
connection, and even at first people playing using voodoo equipped computers
were also accused of cheating by those not fortunate enough to own one.
Having better connection or equipment is *not* cheating, it is just a
difference of circumstances. If GPL is important enough to you then
you do things like upgrade your computer or even for people like me
where online *** is also very important, you can consider faster
Internet connection methods like ISDN, ADSL, Cable modem etc.
Also I get beat in online GPL regularly by an extremely fast good racer
on a 56k modem connection dialed in from New Zealand on a Pentium233MMX
(if I recall correctly, it's definitely a Pentium1, hi Grant Reeve)
and not just me but he beats many other fast drivers. Hardware and connection
inequalities are definitely overcomeable, I think if you use them as a
crutch you end up selling your abilities short.
There is nothing wrong with using lesser hardware as a valid concern
but if you think that people with better hardware than you are cheating,
then you might as well go back to racing the AI, because there will
never be online play where everyone has exactly the SAME hardware and
connection, everyone will always have some difference which you will
mistakenly consider cheating.
Seeyas on the track.
--John (Joao) Silva
>Hi Graeme
>I think when you play in novice mode everything is possible. The Lesmo 1 is
>one of theses possibility. The real cheating is when a guy whith a very fast
>connection, PII 450, 1000$ wheel, compete against poor guy with TM gp1 and a
>slow connection. Dont forget is just a game.