here things i saw in GPL :
1 - sometimes AI drivers make things that its impossible to do !
I've pushed a driver and he manage to stay on road, with
a strange handling : do AI are subjected to same physics than
player are ???? I don't think so !
2 - in the same action AI driver crash in a wall ( Monza ) at
250 km/h and didn't have any damage !!! AI have stronger car
than human ????? I think so !
3 - and last action that have been strange but could be real :
i 've braked early in straight before parabolica at monza and
the eagle behind me crash into my car : does it cause by his car :
eagle have bad brake or by AI who couldn't brake early because
it not his braking point ??? Well i hope it's the eagle !
So if point 1 is what i think there's only 1 car wich his physics is
so is it 3D computation ( rotation,projection,... ) that take so much
CPU ???
If point 2 and 3 is what i think, it's a shame that my car have been
damaged bu
not the AI one !!!
4 - GPL is a great sim, and i enjoy it a lot, but it's a little
frustrating that AI are favourised !