Hi Keith,
I'm running WinXP Build 2526 on a system configured as follows :-
LeadTek GeForce 3
P3 800mhz
ASUS CUSL2 Motherboard
SB Live Value
The only thing I had real trouble with was the SBLive. WinXP comes with
built in SB Live drivers, but on my system using GPL the sound was terrible
ie. cracking and popping.. I tried Liveware 3.0 for Win2K, this fixed the
bad sound but I had issues with the Creative DevLdr32 prog basically***
WinXP on system closure, and loading multiple instances which screwed
performance. I worked around this by moving the prog from \Windows\System32
to \Windows folder and then manually loading the prog from Startup folder.
There are other workarounds also which can be found on these sites...
GPL works great if you are using a NVidia card like GF2/3 using Direct3D
patch. I tried a Voodoo5 with various patches, but whilst it worked in GPL,
I had issues with other games like Nascar 4, so I've stuck with the GF3
WinVROC works, but you have to delete the file called RichEd32.dll which is
installed in the WinVROC folder.
I've got the Logitech Wingman GP (latest red platic thing), and use the
Windows 2000 Version 3.65.204 Wingman software which seems to work no
problems in the limited testing I've done with GPL.
I've found my existing Win2K drivers worked well for other peripherals like
my PocketPC, Digital Camera, Scanner and Printer. Performance wise, XP runs
a touch under Win98/ME with benchmarks like 3DMark 2001, but its close
(better than Win2K on my system).
> I am deciding if to upgrade to Windows XP or not. I have build 2600 and it
runs great
> on my spare PC, but didn't try it on my main rig. Has anyone tried out GPL
> WinVROC) with Logitech Wingman Formula Force wheel (USB) and SB Live!
sound card? I
> have everything running now in Windows 2000 Pro, and it looks like the
2000 drivers
> should work in XP.
> Thanks,
> Keith.