I do hav ethe static but I have found a way around it. If i start a
race and I hear the staic I simply press F2 to go to replay and let
it play a while. Press ESC and the PAUSE to get the game going again
and viola no static.
On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 20:00:27 -0400, "Mark Roberts"
>Okay, this has been beaten into the ground on RAS a few times already & I've
>read the former threads, but I've finally gotten a new computer which (of
>course) came with XP and a SB Live card - and I've got the GPL static issue.
>I went ahead and turned completely off all hardware acceleration which made
>the problem go away but screwed up how GPL sounds (everything lags - I've
>overreved the ol' Lotus quite a few times already cause of that). I've got
>the latest CL drivers, etc. I've toyed with making a dual-boot system with
>Win98se just for GPL, but I wonder if there isn't a better answer? I'd
>rather just buy a new card if that would solve it instead of learning how to
>make a dual-boot system (yeah, yeah, it isn't that tough - but I've never
>done it before and would rather not***up my new computer). A few
>Does this problem happen on the CL Audigy cards?
>What other companies make good sound cards and do they have the same problem
>with GPL?
>No one ever came up with a better solution for this issue than just turning
>down hardware accelaration, right?
>I think I'll just end up being in the marked for a new sound card, but I'd
>appreciate some recommendations on what card to get - that is, unless
>someone else has a brilliant solution for my CL Live! card.