On Sat, 17 Aug 2002 15:23:20 +0100, "David Powell"
>You forget though that these guys have adapted and learned to drive GPL to
>its MAX they do the same in all sims, and when that requires realism they
>will be same....
No question. I'm not saying that the aliens aren't talented, I'm just
noting that in order to achieve superhuman times in GPL you need to
employ driving techniques that aren't suitable to real cars.
If something like Racing Legends employs real wear and tear as the
Westies have indicated, I'm sure the aliens will still be at the top
of the lap time boards. In a full-length 2-hour race, I think you'd
find the playing field a bit more even between the aliens and the guys
who are fast without abusing their machinery. Obviously, we slowbies
will be fighting mid-pack either way.
Hey now, I've run exactly one season in one league in my entire life
and I had the Championship practically clinched halfway through...I'm
not the slowest guy out there. =p
Unfortunately, while I don't fear anyone in a fixed setup oval race, I
have issues finding those extra tenths of a second on roadies, and my
setup skills are nonexistent in the Papy and ISI titles. Hell, I was
just working on my Melbourne setup and ran 10 laps with the dampers at
the highest settings and 10 laps with them at the lowest settings to
see what sort of changes I'd notice in the suspension telemetry, and
I'll be damned if I could find a difference in either the telemetry or
in the way the car felt.
GPLRank 24.50
N2002Rank -12.995