> Ever get the impression Bart Spencer is obsessed with Microsoft?
Yes, I'm an unmedicated obsessive-compulsive, and completely biased
against Microsoft...what else could explain my asking the same question
over and over? Certainly MS/TRI has been *completely* responsive to the
same question from everyone else, right?
BTW, I can see by your message header that you're just an objective
seeker after truth:
<<Subject: Bart: get therapy buddy!
Date: 22 Jan 1998 23:46:01 GMT
Organization: Microsoft Corp.>>
Say...WHAT was the name of that organization again? Must be a
So, since you brought it up, and you are, apparently, somehow connected
with MS, maybe you can tell us: have we seen the final patch to CPR v1,
or are you guys actually going to make an attempt at fixing the rest of
I'm looking for my lithium right now...