Good, finally some substance, okay lets talk.
Since I watch every F1 race and have played each F1 sim (yes, even
Power F1, God help me), I think I can say I know something about the
F1 experience. And the things that you mention are mostly
atmospheric, but lets get to it:
Nope. No weather. Edge: F1RS.
A repeat of the above. No more points scored for stating the same
thing twice.
Challenge taken:
In my opinion, so does F1RS in many ways.
I've spent a lot more than 'few hours" with it and yes all the cheats
are off. In spite of a heckuva lot of setup work, I still find that
the car pushes too much on entry and middle of the corner and wags too
loose on the exit. Part of this has to do with the crummy acceleration
curve relative to gas pedal travel. No matter what I set the gear
ratios to or how many setups I've downloaded off the Unofficial F1RS
site (that is, all of them <G>), I still get a 'threshhold'
accelerator effect whereby adding up to a certain % causes smooth
(albeit slow) acceleration, and then afterwards a wee bit more on the
throttle causes an accelerator spike and the revs max out. Its
absolutely maddening, particularly if you've still got a little wheel
lock exiting the corner. It treats me as if I'm breaking the car
loose, when all I'm REALLY doing is following what I learned in Skip
Barber and trying to smoothly apply throttle while releasing the car
after the apex. If you believe you can help me remedy this problem
and find that smoother rev curve I'll be happy to concede I'm wrong,
but until then you simply cannot convince me that this kind of
'digital-style' threshhold on the accelerator models real car physics!
Please. You must be running GP2 at 150% occupancy. F1RS feels like
it absolutely crawls. For all of CPR's faults, it sure does capture
the sense of speed well. I have to look down at the dash in F1RS to
see that I'm *really* doing 180 mph because things appear to be going
30-40 mph slower than that (and yes the frame rate is liquidy smooth
on my P300).
The AI is great most of the time. I still get whacked in the rear a
fair amount by AI cars in F1RS, and I'd say it looks mildly more
intelligent than the AI in Gp2, but not by much.
Since GP2 doesn't have rain, it would be unfair to rip it twice for
the same problem.
This is one doesn't even merit a substantive response its so out
No, EVERYONE is still way behind Papy on this one. No one has done
replays as well. Not MS, not Papy, not Ubi, not MPS, NO ONE. F1RS
may be better than some of its peers, but its like, okay, we'll give
it a D while we give GP2 an F.
Weather again? Anyone else notice the single-mindedness of the
Which, I might add, is not technically supported in F1RS. You have to
use Kali to hack in IPX support.
Lets see, we've boiled your complaints mainly down to lack of rain and
YOUR assessment of the driving model, which I've disagreed with and
provided a great deal more backup than you have. Gee, is that ALL
there is to these two games? The physics model and the weather? I am
SOOOOO disappointed that you could be so mocking and venomous and yet
utterly fail to do a convincing job arguing substance.
So do I, and I think GP2 drives better. Sorry if you don't like it,
but tough.
Randy Magruder
Contributing Reviewer
Digital Sportspage