for a new sim :-)!!)
What does anyone think a proper system will be that can run the game
What does anyone think a proper system will be that can run the game
From the reviews and previews I've read, very little has been
mentioned about the system requirements, so it doesn't lead me to
believe that you'll require anything out of the ordinary, unlike Grand
Prix Legends.
Jeoff was careful to include software rendering as well as a 3D
accelerated version, to make GP3 as accessible to as many people as
possible, but for the absolute best performance with all the details
up high, you're bound to require a decent 3D card with a good Pentium
II at the very least.
What system will you be using GP3 on?
if you can read german, you find a preview at inkl. 22
Screenshots. BTW, the min. System should be a PII 266.
Regards, Stefan