JAN it's very well explained in the readme provided by patch 1.1:
"Generally, the lowest number that works for you is probably best. Try
0.0, then move it up if the force seems out of phase"
That means : increase the number until the force are back in phase.
On my LWFF i'm using .210 , if you go to high in numbers, you'll have
unwanted spikes. If you go at 0.000 , with a LWFF, there will be lag
between what you see and what you get.
I have done an elaborate setting guide about the LWFF at
Check under SPY's corners :)
> Hello,
> I'm experimenting with the FF settings in GPL's core.ini and notice a big
> difference in feel whilst changing the latency parameter.
> Since I don't really understand what this latency parameter stands for could
> somebody out here shed a light on the 3 ff parameters (damping, latency and
> torque) used in the core.ini?
> I did notice that decreasing the torque-paramter increased the force felt! Is
> there some sort of information on how those parameters are translated to the
> steering wheel?
> Thanks,
> Jan.
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