On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 19:12:58 +0100, "Mike Fellows"
>Hi there
>Is it just me or is F12K a bit of a let down ???
>Turning the rear view mirrors off helps to an alarming degree !!
>Also I find the sound pretty poor, other than that its OK :-))
>Come on EA Sports, this could be better !!!
Yes it is a bit of a let down but that is the game business these
days. Crank it out and update it next year for another charge.
Actually, if you grab all the add-ons that are out there, it becomes
quite nice to drive but still not to race. The AI are pretty poor and
have no situationaly awareness about where you are. Other than
that, you can have a pretty good time hotlapping.
Go to Blackhole Motorsports http://www.bhmotorsports.com/ and get
the new cars, AI patches, antispin patch, wet weather patch, ferrari
sound patch 2, track signage patches, turn off the mirrors and you get
a good preview of what the real races are. Imola was pretty darn good
and so was Brasil. Now it's on to Silverstone.
GPL spoiled me for the racing AI.