appalling its not funny
>Ok, I just don't get it.. The AI in this game are horrible to
say the
>I just tried a race at Indy. AI set at 95%
>During the gosh darn formation lap 4 cars CRASHED???
>The hell?
>Excuse me? I thought formation was the easiest fricken part of
>race for crying out loud?
>Then during the race (which was 73 laps) only 3 cars finished
on the
>LEAD lap!
>2 were 2 laps down, and 11 were 4+ laps down..
>6 cars were out for crashing.
>This is ABSURD!
>I have really tried to like this game but add the horrible
system spec
>requirements to even get decent FPS then on top of that the
>idiotic AI and F1 2000 is just plain annoying.
>It's hard to believe ISI would program such utter crap.
>I was actually going to work for them but if this is the kind of
>dribble they are passing off then I'm glad I didn't take their
>Am I Pissed? Hell yes.. After SCGT I thought they would have
>not gotten worse.
>If they are depending on 3rd party people to improve their game
>them, well they can kiss my ass because I'm not spending
>hours improving THEIR work for free like I did with SCGT.
>In SCGT everyone was complaining about the AI being too slow in
>straights and faster in the turns.. Well golly Gee Gommer...
Lets do
>the opposite.. they can now pass at 2x your top speed in the
>now but horrible in the turns...
>Someone tell me they are going to patch this swine heap fast??
>- James "Gunslinger" Wohlever
>Techware Computer Services
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