I think thats the reason i like SCGT more than F1 2000. I have
watched all but two F1 GP's since the French GP in 1981 and have
always read other media concerning GP racing, used to be
magazines but know mostly stuff on the web. I know very little
about GT racing these days though.
SCGT I liked because it was fun and even if there were some
innacuracies it didn't bug me as I would not know about them.
To me SCGT seems like a reasonably accurate sim. Seeing as I
know alot about F1 the inaccuracies in F1 2000 do annoy me
because they are so obvious. There's track innacuracy, cars
crashing on parade lap, pathetic sound, unrealistic performance
of AI and can you imagine Ross Brawn telling Micheal
Scumacher "You can do better than that, stick to the track!"
What a joke!
>Back to the question - although I really liked SCGT (and it's
still my
>favorite for playing head-to-head), I am more 'involved' with
F1 thanks to
>television coverage etc, so I find F1 2000 even more enjoyable.
> ...Colin French
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