F1 2000 general question

Mark Jeangerar

F1 2000 general question

by Mark Jeangerar » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00

That's good enough for me. I'll wait for the ten dollar bin. Did so with SCGT and absolutely love it. Might not if I paid 50 bucks. :-)

Mark Jeangerard
New Mexico, USA

  To me it is, if not better. Having said that, I don't think you'd like it Mark.

    Mark Jeangerard <snip>
    Is F1 2K at least as good as Sports Car GT?


F1 2000 general question

by Joe6 » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>Came by to see what the consensus was on F1 2K.

There are a few people around here who really like it, and in my
opinion will not really tell you about the flaws. Not that it's a
terrible sim, but it's far from perfect. The biggest problem is frame
rate. Even on the most powerful systems the graphics engine is a dog.

If you have a store like EB that accepts returns on software, try it

Joe McGinn
Radical Entertainment

Graeme Nas

F1 2000 general question

by Graeme Nas » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

PANTS n (pl), a. colloq "underpants".

1) UK: An undergarment generally worn around the groinal area, although
can often appear on the head during a state of drunkenness.
US: An overgarment, usually trousers.

2) A generic term used to describe an object or situation wherein
certain elements of quality are lacking.


Graeme Nash


F1 2000 general question

by Ian » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Pants is roughly the UK equivalent to the US term sucks ;)

Ian Parker


> > What the hell is "pants"?!? Am I gettin' *that* old?!?

> No you are not getting old. "pants" is most likely some esoteric
> british term similar to "tosser" :-)

> Cherro, old man!

> --

> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

> cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com

> > Warlock!

> > > I've got a monster machine PIII running at 581 ant GeForce DDR at have
> been
> > > getting poor frame rates. However I've switched off the force feedback
> > > (which is pants anyway) and it's now running OK with full detail.

> > > I hope they do a patch to resolve this FF problem

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