>>So, if you like the PC games why are you posting here? Aren't there PC
>>usenet groups for this? Or do you just enjoy putting a stick in a hornets
>>nest to see what happens?
>Apparently you didn't realize the original message on this thread was
>crossposted to both Playstation groups and rec.autos.simulators?
>In the latter people are mainly talking about PC racers, because
>that's where most of the racing sims are.
>Say what you will, but I still think the original GT review at Digital
>Sportspage was an intentional flame bait. The fact that the reviewer
>started this cross-posted thread just confirms that. Oh well.
He was trying to share his e***ment of the title with you. The consensus
by the majority of magazines and reviewers everywhere is that this is one
of the best, if not the best, race game ever. If he cannot share his joy
while comparing the state of games on one platform versus another, how can
he let those who like racers but do not own PSX's know to go check the game
out? Such pessimism .... He clearly enjoys racers on the PC and has made
this clear in reviews and on the UseNet. I think there's flamebait going
on, but not in his review, and not by him ....
Then don't accuse Randy of flamebaiting if you really believe it is a
matter of taste. You should just consider it a bonus that he knows enough
about the PC racers to have included a comparative set of references to
them in his PSX Gran Tourismo review. It's meant to let people who play PC
racers get a sense of what this PSX game might be like for them, not make
them angry and bitter about PC race ***, of which he is admittedly quite
Ricky Wayne Brown
Digital Sportspage <www.digitalsports.com>