Noonan's promising Brands Hatch was released, this is the Brands Hatch
you've always wanted. Drop everything and go here:
to download David Sabre's brand new Brands Hatch (circa 1967).
This is one of the most beautiful GPL tracks ever...and I'm talking about
the low-rez version (I couldn't get the hi-rez edition to run on my hoary
rig). There is so much detail that the frame rate bogs down around the
pits, but it's still a portrait of how add-on track graphics should be done.
The track itself is also fantastic - it's hard to see how anybody could keep
a really fast car on the road...and it must have been nearly impossible to
make a pass. The road swoops and soars and coils around like a
rollercoaster. The track surface is also convincingly bumpy.
But somebody PLEASE do a program cover featuring Gurney's Eagle, which won
the race, after all - the first time a Yank driving a Yank car won a proper
Grand Prix (even if it was a non-Championship race).