> On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 11:53:47 GMT, "Steve Smith"
>>Yer right, PWF's Mosport is the Gold Standard, but I suspect it's
>>still based on Papy's ver, which was one of their least faithful
>>recreations (Mid-O being the worst...of those tracks I've actually
>>driven; I haven't a clue abt. Rouen, f'rinstance).
> What don't you like about GPL's Mosport? Just from the in-car
> vids I've seen, the layout seems pretty faithful to the modern one
> except for the jump at the end of Andretti and the huge hill going
> down towards Moss.
> Jason
The modern track had the hill at the end of the straight shaved down
considerably. My flawed memory tells me it had something to do with
the Can-Am cars wanting to do backflips as they came over the top of
the original hill. But I may be recalling more urban legend than
actual fact.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the huge hill going down towards
Moss." Corner 4, the left hander, is at the top of a steep downhill
run into a valley, which turns into a steep uphill run into 5A
(Moss). You'd know that if you'd ever hiked a Colman cooler full of
beer along the goat-track running outside the left fence. <g> In GPL,
in-car, I get very little sense of this valley, especially lacking in
the sense of the steep uphill run into Moss. (But the Mosport track
for N2K3 doesn't give me much more of a sense of this elevation
change either...) Perhaps _no_ in-car view gives this impression, I
don't know.
Most of the latest modernising of Mosport has been widening the
track. Comparing the modern track (as a spectator) to the old track
in the 70s when I did some Formula Ford driving there, I can't see
too much in the way of changes to the corners -- except maybe for
turn 2, which seems a _lot_ faster than I remember it, and they've
added more run-off room as well. I remember my heart being in my
throat every time I crested the top of the hill going into T2. For
some odd reason, I didn't get the same feeling going into a similar
T4 corner, although I know as many people who went into the armco at
T4 as went into the catch fencing at T2.