Whois AL? I have seen a Michael, Mika, David, Rubens, Heinz-Harald, Jos but
I cannot remember a AL...
-- Sjon
What rez is the TNT2 running at? any special settings besides running
in a Windowed mode? I still get drop frames occssionally, which is OK
but the frame rate is still way slower than GPL...
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
I would say that in the dozens of races I have completed in F12K, the
average drop out rate is about 6 cars. That seems pretty typical of F1 to
Are you running the opposition at 100% or greater? The sort of situation
you describe doesn't happen at those levels, esp if you have the anti-spin
Duh, because it is good perhaps?
Now, we just keep working on it, and if we show enough interest, here comes
a patch. Maybe more? Who knows. All I can say is that they DO care about
us, and they will help us :)
That's my $.02
-Adam Zerlin
I agree. There have been numerous problems mentioned in this group since
the release. Do EA actually test their software? Or do they adopt the
Microsoft attitude of, "If it compiles, ship it"?!
I confidently expect the 'complete game' to be F1-2001, and be available
from your nearest retailer, for another 30ukp.
"Have you seen the bigger piggies In their starched white shirts."