I've just recently started using the USB cartridge with the Force RS.
It's really a noticeable improvement over the Serial version.
The main difference is that with USB, I can set latency to 0 and
it really makes a difference. There is no noticeable lag at all,
and all of the "backlash" effect that happens when the center
of gravity shifts over the centerline of the car is gone!
My current USB settings are close to:
latency = 0.0
damping = 50
max force = 100
Note: settings this low did not work with the serial version. I
got a lot of backlash and spiking with max force lower than
about 180.
Using the Serial cartridge, my settings were more along the
lines of:
latency = 0.02
damping = 80
max force = 180
Pat Dotson
You might want to try to disable the fifo in the win95/98 device
manager. That gets rid of the lag with the serial connector.
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