I think I may have found the problem... when I go to my Directx setup,
I saw that I had an older D3D version 3.11.something.
When I read the readme file from the 3dfx reference drivers, it says
that it will install the D3D 3.12.something version.
Yet, after I install the 3dfx ref drivers, I still have D3D
When I go to my window properties I have two menus for my Monster SLI:
One from Diamond and one from 3DFX V2-1000.
I think that the Diamond drivers may conflict.
There is afaik no uninstall option for those diamond drivers.
Does anyone know how I can completely uninstall those diamond drivers,
so that the diamond menu isn't in my properties menu anymore, and that
all diamond registry entries will be gone?
Bert, just to make sure, what is your D3D version?
Go to Program Files -> DirectX -> Setup -> DXDiag -> go to the menu
which mentions the Voodoo 2 DirectX 7 driver -> on the right side of
that screen is the version (for me it's, it should be
PS: Just downloaded the ISO (full cd version), it's exactly 100% the
same at the warez version, except the ISO has an intro movie.
No other car sounds, no split axis...
>I'm that other guy.
>My 2 Voodoo2's are:
>1 STB BlackMagic and 1 3Dfx Voodoo 2000. I know, I know -- I'm lucky that I got
>2 different manufacturer's cards to work together, but the STB card was
>supposedly the one least "modified" by other manufacturers. As I reacll, I
>originally ahd problems setting them up together, but once I got things ironed
>out, I've had no problems since with any game. (Knock Wood). BTW, even with
>this set up, GP3 only runs in 800x600 max, but runs smoothly. (after doing the
>card.txt thing.)
>I'm using the latest (at least I think they are) reference drivers and DirectX
>If you need more specific info let me know, but please be specific as to where I
>can find it (ie - exact driver versions etc.).
>Wish that I could be more help to you.
>Good Luck.
>> >ugh, sorry Andre, another V2 owner the other day had problems til we pointed
>> >out the cards.txt entry he had missed then all was fine
>> >G'luck..
>> Damn, and I was hoping there was a real solution in the readme file
>> which I must have missed :)
>> Do you remember what brand the V2 card of that other guy was?
>> Andre
>> >Martyn_D
>> >> >RTFRM +) read the readme
>> >> If you're referring to adding the slivoodoo2=1 flag to the cards.txt
>> >> file, I allready did that. If you know what could couse the problem,
>> >> please say so, I can spell that readme file backwards by memory
>> >> allready...
>> >> Andre
>> >> >> Aaarrgghh this is driving me nuts!
>> >> >> I have 2 Diamond Monster V2 8mb SLI cards, and GP3 won't reckognize
>> >> >> it. I turned SLI off, but the card is still greyed out in the graphic
>> >> >> options screen.
>> >> >> I read lots of problems with v2 cards on GP3 forums, but no clear
>> >> >> solution yet.
>> >> >> Did anyone with a Diamond Monster V2 8mb card, or the SLI combination,
>> >> >> get it working in GP3? And... h-o-w ?
>> >> >> Thanks,
>> >> >> Andre