> >Says little for the _quality_ of the Riva and a hell of a lot for the
> >_marketing_ of the board.
> There's no denying nVidia did it right by getting major OEM's to sell
> their board. Think about it. No matter how good or bad the board is
> that you're introducing, if its not 3DFX , you're in trouble from day
> one, so you have to do something to get noticed and ensure a great
> deal of support, and among software developers, its marketshare that
> ensures support. For example: Janes Combat Simulations, which
> previously had been evangelizing themselves as 3DFX only because there
> was no way they could do D3D without a big sacrifice in quality, has
> now put a D3D patch on their web site which is OPTIMIZED FOR RIVA
> CHIPSETS. Says something about the power of marketshare.
> Besides, I've been following the whole argument of image quality, and
> frankly, those arguments are old and worthless at this point. The
> early problems observed with image quality on Riva boards were either
> due to drivers or early versions of D3D games which didn't exploit its
> capabilities. You can find a lot of 3DFX fans hooting that Riva
> doesn't support transparency (wrong), fog tables (wrong), or that you
> couldn't deactivate its auto-mip-map generation (wrong).
> >The vast majority of those sales were
> >bundled sales, with vendors building the card into pre-built systems
> >instead of a regular 2D card. In the UK at least that trend has been
> >reversed, and the majority of games machines are being sold with a
> >bundled 3dFX, as that's what the market is demanding.
> Well, it just demonstrates that what flies in the UK doesn't always
> fly here. At any rate, its not so important how or why these cards
> get into the machines, simply that they do, they are great cards, and
> the software industry has taken notice.
> >No comment on the respective merits, demerits, just the facts ma'am :)
I have a Viper 330 and the only complaint I have is the relatively
poor graphics (compared to voodoo version) in F1RS (this is F1RS's
fault, not the Viper's). Even CPR would be playable if it was playable
:) F1RS runs smoothly on my iP233mmx and the 2D performance is
excellent. I think when I plug a Voodoo II (being in Australia it will
probably retail for $600 - but anyway) into this machine in the coming
months that I will be in bliss and in no need of an upgrade till all the
guinea pigs have beta tested the new gen 100mhz motherboard machines.