Lately I have been unable to complete any races due to being disconnected.
When I'm in practice session I can usually get to the end of practice but
it's when the session turns to race start, instead of going to the grid, GPL
freezes and I can hear the Vroc start-up in the back ground.
The only way out is to ctrl alt del.
I have all other programs shut down using End it all and a program called
process viewer which leaves only the bear minimum running.
At first I thought it was the firewall but I have been doing a bit of
testing and found that not to be the case.
I have got the disco fix, but I have also got lots of add-ons i.e. new
tracks and GPLEA car sets etc.any help would be appreciated.
System Athlon 1.2 with 512ram, Voodoo V5500, 56k modem Us Robotics