I am waiting patiently for the GPL patch, and the readme file did clear up
a lot, can't wait for force feedback.
There was mentioned that it would be easier to host a race from behind a linux
firewall. That doesn't help me much. The case is, i was trying to race on VROC
on my system at work (i even had to buy myself a V2 and a SB PCI64 soundcard
to make it work :), and I couldn't join nor host races because there is a
firewall of some sort. There is no problem when racing againt my fellow workers
(we call it simulator research :), but VROC is hopeless.
I posted about this some months ago and got answered that this is not possible
and i settled with that, paying the phonebill instead.
Will the patch help this problem, or is any hopes of playing GPL on a wideband
connection for me hopeless ?
I just want to host a 20 player novice race at monza since noone else want to
do this. I doesn't have the time, nor the skill to race int.long races at
kyalami :) In fact, there are hardly any novice quickraces on vroc any longer.
Olav K. Malmin
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