Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

Steve Garrot

Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

by Steve Garrot » Sat, 10 Mar 2001 05:20:57

The following was posted here a while back and I have since tried to
do this on my home network. I can host a game that the other computer
in my house can race at, as long as I do not use VROC. I am unable to
get anyone to connect to a VROC hosted session on either of my
computers. Do I need to edit the core.ini or another file? We really
need a FAQ that includes this for the newer cable/DSL
router/firewalls. I have updated the firmware to 1.37 on the Linksys
and I forwarded the UDP ports.

So what needs to be done so that I can host on VROC so others in the
world could join if they wanted?

So if you have this combo working, let me know how. I would like to
experiment with setting up one as a Server and seeing if 20 could race
on it if I was not racing on it, but racing on another puter.


Subject: Re: Linksys router, GPL, N4, N3
View complete thread
Date: 2001-02-18 05:06:00 PST

In order to host on VROC, N3, or N4, you must forward the correct
on the Linksys router.

If you want to join a GPL race hosted on your other machine, DO NOT
through VROC.  Connect directly through GPL.

Setting up port forwarding on the Linksys is not at all difficult.
Here's what I use (supports GPL, and I think N4 is the same as GPL as
far as ports go):

  6969-6971     Machine #1
  32766-32808   Machine #1
  6972-6974     Machine #2
  32810-32852   Machine #2

Both machines can host a race with these settings.

> Hi all I've just installed a new router to connect 2 pc's, and I'm not
> getting the results I'd hoped for, I would like to be able to host on one pc
> and join from the client machine, so far, no joy, using VROC I can host from
> either machine, see the race in the list, click to join and GPL starts, but
> connect times out. Using the route inspect, I can see either machine from
> the other, but still, no connect. I'm looking around for configuration info
> to allow me to host and join from my own little home network......I've been
> reading about forwarding ports, but I haven't quite got the understanding of
> what I need just yet, so if anyone has overcome this situation, I'd surely
> appreciate a push in the right direction......Meanwhile I'll be searching
> for answers on my own, here's what I've got so far:
> Motorola cable modem to Linksys 4 port router, to nic's installed in each
> machine, I'm assuming all the cable routing is correct because I checked it,
> and can access the net from each rig, or share files from machine to
> machine.
> Host Computer:

> GPL v1.2, Nascar3 , Nascar4, and WinVROC installed and patched to current
> versions.

> official drivers, W98SE, GPL, N3, N4, and WinVROC installed and patched to
> current versions.

> Does this have anything to do with Socks server in VROC options? As I don't
> have a clue what a Socks server is, I have left it alone for now.

> Thanks in advance,
> --

> Go Rusty, and Dale, and Dale, and Dale!

(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)
Raymond L Da

Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

by Raymond L Da » Mon, 12 Mar 2001 01:17:13

Two Choices.
1. Use port forwarding to allow the required ports (See Allison's Hine's
pages for the details) and then everyone can join.
2.  Put a second Nic in the Server box and allow that card (only bind TCP/IP
to that card, no Netbt or SPX or Netbios) and put that card in the DMZ page
in your router.  This allows any request from the outside to go to this
card.  I do this and then bind SPX/IPX to the first card in the machine
(non-DMX) and I play over SPX.  I don't interfere with TCP/IP transmissions
from the router thru my other switches down to the servers and I gain packet
size.  Again Allison's pages on this subject are very helpful and had
everything I needed to get things going.
I can host my league on a P2-266 w/256Meg mem in dedicated server mode no
Good Luck.  It's really fun to host races from the house and always be able
to get in. I reserve 1 SPX port in the game.

> The following was posted here a while back and I have since tried to
> do this on my home network. I can host a game that the other computer
> in my house can race at, as long as I do not use VROC. I am unable to
> get anyone to connect to a VROC hosted session on either of my
> computers. Do I need to edit the core.ini or another file? We really
> need a FAQ that includes this for the newer cable/DSL
> router/firewalls. I have updated the firmware to 1.37 on the Linksys
> and I forwarded the UDP ports.

> So what needs to be done so that I can host on VROC so others in the
> world could join if they wanted?

> So if you have this combo working, let me know how. I would like to
> experiment with setting up one as a Server and seeing if 20 could race
> on it if I was not racing on it, but racing on another puter.


> Subject: Re: Linksys router, GPL, N4, N3
> Newsgroups:
> View complete thread
> Date: 2001-02-18 05:06:00 PST

> In order to host on VROC, N3, or N4, you must forward the correct
> ports
> on the Linksys router.

> If you want to join a GPL race hosted on your other machine, DO NOT
> join
> through VROC.  Connect directly through GPL.

> Setting up port forwarding on the Linksys is not at all difficult.
> Here's what I use (supports GPL, and I think N4 is the same as GPL as
> far as ports go):

>   6969-6971     Machine #1
>   32766-32808   Machine #1
>   6972-6974     Machine #2
>   32810-32852   Machine #2

> Both machines can host a race with these settings.

> > Hi all I've just installed a new router to connect 2 pc's, and I'm not
> > getting the results I'd hoped for, I would like to be able to host on
one pc
> > and join from the client machine, so far, no joy, using VROC I can host
> > either machine, see the race in the list, click to join and GPL starts,
> > connect times out. Using the route inspect, I can see either machine
> > the other, but still, no connect. I'm looking around for configuration
> > to allow me to host and join from my own little home network......I've
> > reading about forwarding ports, but I haven't quite got the
understanding of
> > what I need just yet, so if anyone has overcome this situation, I'd
> > appreciate a push in the right direction......Meanwhile I'll be
> > for answers on my own, here's what I've got so far:
> > Motorola cable modem to Linksys 4 port router, to nic's installed in
> > machine, I'm assuming all the cable routing is correct because I checked
> > and can access the net from each rig, or share files from machine to
> > machine.
> > Host Computer:

> > GPL v1.2, Nascar3 , Nascar4, and WinVROC installed and patched to
> > versions.

> > official drivers, W98SE, GPL, N3, N4, and WinVROC installed and patched
> > current versions.

> > Does this have anything to do with Socks server in VROC options? As I
> > have a clue what a Socks server is, I have left it alone for now.

> > Thanks in advance,
> > --

> > Go Rusty, and Dale, and Dale, and Dale!

> (All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
> and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
> due to too many English classes/teachers)

Steve Garrot

Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

by Steve Garrot » Tue, 13 Mar 2001 23:57:16

I really don't want to be a jerk, but did you read my posting? have
you worked with a Linksys Router and VROC? Why would I install another
Ethernet adapter and setup a private network? Does that not defeat the
purpose of the Router in the first place, in that if I had wanted two
Ethernet adpaters I could have done the whole project a lot cheaper. I
have forwarded ports as was said in the previous post and it still
does not work I am asking a specific question.

Anyone that is unsing a Linksys Cable/DSL Router and VROC, how did you
do it and I would like very detailed steps as I think this could be
very useful for the VROC communitiy.


>Two Choices.
>1. Use port forwarding to allow the required ports (See Allison's Hine's
>pages for the details) and then everyone can join.
>2.  Put a second Nic in the Server box and allow that card (only bind TCP/IP
>to that card, no Netbt or SPX or Netbios) and put that card in the DMZ page
>in your router.  This allows any request from the outside to go to this
>card.  I do this and then bind SPX/IPX to the first card in the machine
>(non-DMX) and I play over SPX.  I don't interfere with TCP/IP transmissions
>from the router thru my other switches down to the servers and I gain packet
>size.  Again Allison's pages on this subject are very helpful and had
>everything I needed to get things going.
>I can host my league on a P2-266 w/256Meg mem in dedicated server mode no
>Good Luck.  It's really fun to host races from the house and always be able
>to get in. I reserve 1 SPX port in the game.

>> The following was posted here a while back and I have since tried to
>> do this on my home network. I can host a game that the other computer
>> in my house can race at, as long as I do not use VROC. I am unable to
>> get anyone to connect to a VROC hosted session on either of my
>> computers. Do I need to edit the core.ini or another file? We really
>> need a FAQ that includes this for the newer cable/DSL
>> router/firewalls. I have updated the firmware to 1.37 on the Linksys
>> and I forwarded the UDP ports.

>> So what needs to be done so that I can host on VROC so others in the
>> world could join if they wanted?

>> So if you have this combo working, let me know how. I would like to
>> experiment with setting up one as a Server and seeing if 20 could race
>> on it if I was not racing on it, but racing on another puter.

>> SLG

>> Subject: Re: Linksys router, GPL, N4, N3
>> Newsgroups:
>> View complete thread
>> Date: 2001-02-18 05:06:00 PST

>> In order to host on VROC, N3, or N4, you must forward the correct
>> ports
>> on the Linksys router.

>> If you want to join a GPL race hosted on your other machine, DO NOT
>> join
>> through VROC.  Connect directly through GPL.

>> Setting up port forwarding on the Linksys is not at all difficult.
>> Here's what I use (supports GPL, and I think N4 is the same as GPL as
>> far as ports go):

>>   6969-6971     Machine #1
>>   32766-32808   Machine #1
>>   6972-6974     Machine #2
>>   32810-32852   Machine #2

>> Both machines can host a race with these settings.

>> > Hi all I've just installed a new router to connect 2 pc's, and I'm not
>> > getting the results I'd hoped for, I would like to be able to host on
>one pc
>> > and join from the client machine, so far, no joy, using VROC I can host
>> > either machine, see the race in the list, click to join and GPL starts,
>> > connect times out. Using the route inspect, I can see either machine
>> > the other, but still, no connect. I'm looking around for configuration
>> > to allow me to host and join from my own little home network......I've
>> > reading about forwarding ports, but I haven't quite got the
>understanding of
>> > what I need just yet, so if anyone has overcome this situation, I'd
>> > appreciate a push in the right direction......Meanwhile I'll be
>> > for answers on my own, here's what I've got so far:
>> > Motorola cable modem to Linksys 4 port router, to nic's installed in
>> > machine, I'm assuming all the cable routing is correct because I checked
>> > and can access the net from each rig, or share files from machine to
>> > machine.
>> > Host Computer:

>> > GPL v1.2, Nascar3 , Nascar4, and WinVROC installed and patched to
>> > versions.

>> > official drivers, W98SE, GPL, N3, N4, and WinVROC installed and patched
>> > current versions.

>> > Does this have anything to do with Socks server in VROC options? As I
>> > have a clue what a Socks server is, I have left it alone for now.

>> > Thanks in advance,
>> > --

>> > Go Rusty, and Dale, and Dale, and Dale!

>> (All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
>> and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
>> due to too many English classes/teachers)

(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)
John Simmon

Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

by John Simmon » Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:21:13

Steve, it's real simple.

1) Make sure you have firmware v1.36 or higher.  If you don't, go to the
Linksys site, download it, and update your router.

2) Log onto your router and click to the Advanced | Forwarding tab, and
enter your port ranges. Only one machoine can have a given port (or
range of ports) forwarded to it from the Linksys router.  This means
that if you want to set up two or more machines, you need a different
port range for each machine.  Here are the port ranges I use (I have two
machines that can run/host on VROC):

   6969-6971     Machine #1  (default GPL port range)
   32766-32808   Machine #1  (default GPL port range)
   6972-6974     Machine #2
   32810-32852   Machine #2

3) If you are running on VROC with more than one machine, you must
modify the CORE.INI file on the machine that is NOT using the default
GPL port ranges to match what the router is setting forwarding.  Look
for this header:


And either modify or add the following lines on the machine using the
NON-DEFAULT port ranges, something like this:

        net_server_port = 32808         ; Server port number (0 = default)
        net_ping_port = 6972

That should be pretty much all you need to do.

 Things to

 and Log onto your router


> I really don't want to be a jerk, but did you read my posting? have
> you worked with a Linksys Router and VROC? Why would I install another
> Ethernet adapter and setup a private network? Does that not defeat the
> purpose of the Router in the first place, in that if I had wanted two
> Ethernet adpaters I could have done the whole project a lot cheaper. I
> have forwarded ports as was said in the previous post and it still
> does not work I am asking a specific question.

> Anyone that is unsing a Linksys Cable/DSL Router and VROC, how did you
> do it and I would like very detailed steps as I think this could be
> very useful for the VROC communitiy.


> >Two Choices.
> >1. Use port forwarding to allow the required ports (See Allison's Hine's
> >pages for the details) and then everyone can join.
> >2.  Put a second Nic in the Server box and allow that card (only bind TCP/IP
> >to that card, no Netbt or SPX or Netbios) and put that card in the DMZ page
> >in your router.  This allows any request from the outside to go to this
> >card.  I do this and then bind SPX/IPX to the first card in the machine
> >(non-DMX) and I play over SPX.  I don't interfere with TCP/IP transmissions
> >from the router thru my other switches down to the servers and I gain packet
> >size.  Again Allison's pages on this subject are very helpful and had
> >everything I needed to get things going.
> >I can host my league on a P2-266 w/256Meg mem in dedicated server mode no
> >problem.
> >Good Luck.  It's really fun to host races from the house and always be able
> >to get in. I reserve 1 SPX port in the game.

> >> The following was posted here a while back and I have since tried to
> >> do this on my home network. I can host a game that the other computer
> >> in my house can race at, as long as I do not use VROC. I am unable to
> >> get anyone to connect to a VROC hosted session on either of my
> >> computers. Do I need to edit the core.ini or another file? We really
> >> need a FAQ that includes this for the newer cable/DSL
> >> router/firewalls. I have updated the firmware to 1.37 on the Linksys
> >> and I forwarded the UDP ports.

> >> So what needs to be done so that I can host on VROC so others in the
> >> world could join if they wanted?

> >> So if you have this combo working, let me know how. I would like to
> >> experiment with setting up one as a Server and seeing if 20 could race
> >> on it if I was not racing on it, but racing on another puter.

> >> SLG

Greg Campbel

Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

by Greg Campbel » Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:09:54


I found that port forwarding didn't quite work as advertised.  After
quite a bit of trial and error, I'm having great success with this:

1. Disable DHCP in the router settings.  DHCP must be off before DMZ
will work.

2. From each 'puter's network setttings app, assign each system a unique
IP.  eg:, ...102, ...103, etc.

3. If not already done, set your gateway to the routers address.

4. Go to the router's Advanced > DMZ host page. Enable DMZ access on the
'puter that will be the race host.  Since port forwarding seems to
override DMZ, remove any GPL related forwarding.

5. Disable "Block WAN Request" in the router's filters page.  This
allows your host to be pinged.

I can serve N4, GPL, etc. on the host 'puter without any problem.  GPL
and N4 both see the local host and I can join w/o any problem.  Don't
use VROC, Sierra, etc. on your race machine, just enter the host's IP in
the multiplayer page.

Be sure to remove windoze file sharing, netbui, and whatnot from the DMZ
computer since it is now out in the 'net breeze w/o any protection.  Win
will complain about an "incomplete network," but just ignore it.

I think that's all.  Email me if you have any lingering Q's.

Good Luck!


> The following was posted here a while back and I have since tried to
> do this on my home network. I can host a game that the other computer
> in my house can race at, as long as I do not use VROC. I am unable to
> get anyone to connect to a VROC hosted session on either of my
> computers. Do I need to edit the core.ini or another file? We really
> need a FAQ that includes this for the newer cable/DSL
> router/firewalls. I have updated the firmware to 1.37 on the Linksys
> and I forwarded the UDP ports.

> So what needs to be done so that I can host on VROC so others in the
> world could join if they wanted?

> So if you have this combo working, let me know how. I would like to
> experiment with setting up one as a Server and seeing if 20 could race
> on it if I was not racing on it, but racing on another puter.



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Remove duplicate letters to reply.

Steve Garrot

Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

by Steve Garrot » Thu, 15 Mar 2001 01:55:07

Thanks that is the info I needed, must have been the core.ini setting
that was missing that was causing problems.


>Steve, it's real simple.

>1) Make sure you have firmware v1.36 or higher.  If you don't, go to the
>Linksys site, download it, and update your router.

>2) Log onto your router and click to the Advanced | Forwarding tab, and
>enter your port ranges. Only one machoine can have a given port (or
>range of ports) forwarded to it from the Linksys router.  This means
>that if you want to set up two or more machines, you need a different
>port range for each machine.  Here are the port ranges I use (I have two
>machines that can run/host on VROC):

>   6969-6971     Machine #1  (default GPL port range)
>   32766-32808   Machine #1  (default GPL port range)
>   6972-6974     Machine #2
>   32810-32852   Machine #2

>3) If you are running on VROC with more than one machine, you must
>modify the CORE.INI file on the machine that is NOT using the default
>GPL port ranges to match what the router is setting forwarding.  Look
>for this header:

>    [Communications]

>And either modify or add the following lines on the machine using the
>NON-DEFAULT port ranges, something like this:

>    net_server_port = 32808         ; Server port number (0 = default)
>    net_ping_port = 6972

>That should be pretty much all you need to do.

> Things to

> and Log onto your router

>> I really don't want to be a jerk, but did you read my posting? have
>> you worked with a Linksys Router and VROC? Why would I install another
>> Ethernet adapter and setup a private network? Does that not defeat the
>> purpose of the Router in the first place, in that if I had wanted two
>> Ethernet adpaters I could have done the whole project a lot cheaper. I
>> have forwarded ports as was said in the previous post and it still
>> does not work I am asking a specific question.

>> Anyone that is unsing a Linksys Cable/DSL Router and VROC, how did you
>> do it and I would like very detailed steps as I think this could be
>> very useful for the VROC communitiy.

>> SLG

>> >Two Choices.
>> >1. Use port forwarding to allow the required ports (See Allison's Hine's
>> >pages for the details) and then everyone can join.
>> >2.  Put a second Nic in the Server box and allow that card (only bind TCP/IP
>> >to that card, no Netbt or SPX or Netbios) and put that card in the DMZ page
>> >in your router.  This allows any request from the outside to go to this
>> >card.  I do this and then bind SPX/IPX to the first card in the machine
>> >(non-DMX) and I play over SPX.  I don't interfere with TCP/IP transmissions
>> >from the router thru my other switches down to the servers and I gain packet
>> >size.  Again Allison's pages on this subject are very helpful and had
>> >everything I needed to get things going.
>> >I can host my league on a P2-266 w/256Meg mem in dedicated server mode no
>> >problem.
>> >Good Luck.  It's really fun to host races from the house and always be able
>> >to get in. I reserve 1 SPX port in the game.

>> >> The following was posted here a while back and I have since tried to
>> >> do this on my home network. I can host a game that the other computer
>> >> in my house can race at, as long as I do not use VROC. I am unable to
>> >> get anyone to connect to a VROC hosted session on either of my
>> >> computers. Do I need to edit the core.ini or another file? We really
>> >> need a FAQ that includes this for the newer cable/DSL
>> >> router/firewalls. I have updated the firmware to 1.37 on the Linksys
>> >> and I forwarded the UDP ports.

>> >> So what needs to be done so that I can host on VROC so others in the
>> >> world could join if they wanted?

>> >> So if you have this combo working, let me know how. I would like to
>> >> experiment with setting up one as a Server and seeing if 20 could race
>> >> on it if I was not racing on it, but racing on another puter.

>> >> SLG

(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)
Steve Garrot

Linksys Router/Firewall and GPL/VROC

by Steve Garrot » Thu, 15 Mar 2001 23:13:32

I did all the bellow and machine #2 does not allow anyone to connect
through VROC. Any ideas why? Machine #1 does, I am happy with that,
but would like to understand why the other machine does not work.


>Thanks that is the info I needed, must have been the core.ini setting
>that was missing that was causing problems.


>>Steve, it's real simple.

>>1) Make sure you have firmware v1.36 or higher.  If you don't, go to the
>>Linksys site, download it, and update your router.

>>2) Log onto your router and click to the Advanced | Forwarding tab, and
>>enter your port ranges. Only one machoine can have a given port (or
>>range of ports) forwarded to it from the Linksys router.  This means
>>that if you want to set up two or more machines, you need a different
>>port range for each machine.  Here are the port ranges I use (I have two
>>machines that can run/host on VROC):

>>   6969-6971     Machine #1  (default GPL port range)
>>   32766-32808   Machine #1  (default GPL port range)
>>   6972-6974     Machine #2
>>   32810-32852   Machine #2

>>3) If you are running on VROC with more than one machine, you must
>>modify the CORE.INI file on the machine that is NOT using the default
>>GPL port ranges to match what the router is setting forwarding.  Look
>>for this header:

>>        [Communications]

>>And either modify or add the following lines on the machine using the
>>NON-DEFAULT port ranges, something like this:

>>        net_server_port = 32808         ; Server port number (0 = default)
>>        net_ping_port = 6972

>>That should be pretty much all you need to do.

(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers) is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.