My buddy and I are trying to race over my lan on with Nascar 4.
I could connect to a race, he could also connect to a long as
it wasn't the same race. Whenever he tried to connect to a race I was
in....he got a timed out message. Also vice versa when he connected first.
On my machine I have the router set wide open (DMZ) to inbound/outbound
traffic. All assigned IP #'s on the local machines, not using a DHCP server.
On his machine I tried forwarding a range of ports, port #'s taken from the
Nascar 4 readme. I believe port forwarding is for hosting, I am only
interested in connecting two clients to via my lan.
We have our own unique Cd's and keys, we can login in to sierra with no
I believe it can be done with IP masquerading, is IP masquerading possible
with my Linksys router? Are there any other solutions? Any help would be