to get it work properly with XP.
I have installed version 2.36 of the drivers from the TM website which are
supposed to be the XP drivers, they were not included with the wheel.
If I try to use the wheel configuration under the "Game
Controllers-Properties" panel the software locks up if I try to "test the
forces" setting. The wheel is then rendered unresponsive until I turn off
the wheel's power switch and turn it back on.
Trying to use the wheel in N2002 is even more fun- the wheel seems to affect
my ability
to connect to Multiplayer mode as it is interfering with the network device
Again this can be fixed by turning the wheel off and on again.
Also it would be much appreciated if someone could describe the "forces"
that should
be occurring during the game as this is the first I have attempted to use a
FFB wheel other then in arcade games. I don't really notice anything other
then an increase in the amount
of steering effort needed from my TM Pro which this is replacing.
Are you supposed to be able to feel wall impacts, skids, curbs, grass, etc?
I am just trying to figure out if there is something wrong with my wheel
that can hopefully
be fixed with an exchange or if this wheel is simply ***when used with XP.
Sorry for writing a book, any help will be most appreciated.