% Could someone please contact me about the following problem: In
% Nascar2, I am unable to calibrate my T2 foot pedals. I can calibrate
% my steering wheel, but not my pedals. These same pedals work fine in
% GP2 and ICR2. Do I need a patch, if so where can I get it?
% Thanks in advance.
Some things to try:
1) try it in a pure DOS environment (i.e. not a DOS box in Win95, but a
re-boot to DOS)
2) try deleting the calib.val and controls.cfg files your main NASCAR2
directory and then re-start the program. First calibrate both joysticks
and then select control options.
3) if you need to run the program in Win95, get Thrustmaster's ProPanel
applet and properly setup your T2 through the ProPanel. Make sure that
your T2 is device #1. <>
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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