I bought a new mb with a Cyrix 166+ last summer in preperation for n2. Than i
bought the reactor vid card for the same reason. Indy safe worked but indyfast
was a no go. I tried all the usual boot disk dmadiag.exe and it always gave me
an exception code error. I was worried about n2 working in dma mode but when i
finaly got the sim it did work in dma mode but as it states in the readme file
the T2 does not work well with the cyrix. The car would jerk the the left when
raceing but worked good in svga mode. So why did i spend the money on a 3d
card and not be able to use it in 3d mode!!!!
I traded the cyrix cpu in and a few bucks to boot for a pentium 166 chip and
n2 in dma mode workes great!!! Indyfast even works now!!!
later gwc