I was wondering if anyone knows the story of what's going on with the
problem with running the DMA version of N2 with the Reactor (or other
Rendition board) with a Cyrix. I have a P166+ on a Tyan TC I, and I get
the "jerky" controls behavior with N2 (and just pixel dust with ICR2)
that others have mentioned.
I heard (from this NG) that Intergraph was going to see Tyan about
something related to this(?), but the problem is with the Cyrix, not
just the Tyan MB, right?
Anyway, if anyone knows what's going on in with this issue, or if they
have gotten the DMA to work with Cyrix/Tyan, please pass it on. Is it
Papy's "responsibility", or Intergraph's (and other video), or Cyrix's,
or am I never to get beyond running "n2rend" or "indysafe"? Any patches
One last thing - I remember someone writing that with Rendition board,
one should not use "auto" on graphics options. Is this true, and if so
why? Is the "switching" on/off of an option going to slow things, or is
everything going to run slower even when no switching is occurring?