I disagree. Give it a shot. If you see the other cars winking in and
out a lot, or warping madly, or you get screen flashes and cars nearby
suddenly warp great distances, then wait till you get Roadrunner. If
all seems well, go for it.
BTW, with AOL and also with Roadrunner you may need to use GPL's
Alternate IP Address Lookup. This would go in your core.ini:
alternate_ip_addr_lookup = 1
See the GPL 1.0 readme for details.
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999 17:55:16 -0400, "Kurt Steinbock"
>I wouldn't bother trying, based on my experience. You'll simply mess up the
>race for everyone. Sorry. Wait for a real ISP.
>>I am dying to try VROC but i dont have a good ISP yet. As of now im on AOL
>>which is rather poor for online racing as far as i know. If no one objects
>>may try racing just to see what its like. If theres serious warping on my
>>ill disco and let everyone go on in their race. Just want to know what
>>everyone thinks before I try with AOL (im getting Roadrunner Cable soon so
>>ISP problems will be solved).
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