> I hear a lot about VROC, and was wondering, how do I get on? Does it take
> special software?
You need a recent version of Netscape - either the 4.5 version with the
full suite of Netscape tools or 4.07 or later of the standalone
browser. Then go to http://gpl.gamestats.com/vroc/ and read the stuff
for new users. You will need to download a special ping utility and a
core.ini file. You should also tweak your Windows 95/98 Dial Up
Networking setup to optimize it for gameplay. That's about it.
Occasionally. VROC will display the level the host has set (although
this pertains more to race length and damage model). Some hosts will
also mention in the comment field that the race is for novices.
VROC is specifically for GPL.
Good luck,
Dave Ewing