% Hi. I have been dying to play GPL online for a while now - but no matter
% how I set the graphics I can't ALWAYS keep 36fps. Reading other posts at
% RAS and reading Alison Hine's website have led me to believe that it's
% essential to be able to keep that framerate. I haven't bothered screwing up
% anyone's race by showing up & not being able to keep that framerate so I've
% played around with tweaking my system to see if i could get a little more
% consistant FPS. Speaking of my system, it's:
% PII300
% 128meg ram
% i740 8meg AGP card
% CL VooDoo2 12 meg
% Some sort of generic Yamaha sound card
% USRobotics 56K modem
I have a similar setup (except I have ADSL instead of using a modem). I
run online in 640x480 and use the glidewrapper to set mirror refresh to
every other frame. I have most of the details on (except driver's arms,
driver's texture, mirrors are set to cars only), detail bias is set to
the left (just about under the "s" in bias, which is equal to about
33%). At some tracks the frame rate may dip to 33 at some corners.
While the grid may drop to the high 20's the frame rate is a pretty good
solid 36fps. Don't judge your online frame rate by the frame rate you
see while offline with the AI. The CPU overhead for the AI will greatly
reduce your frame rate (of course this does not apply to online play).
Try the above settings, go online and see how your frame rate runs. I
think you should have no trouble keeping a high enough frame rate to run
The glidewrapper can be found at
% I always make sure to ctrl-alt-del & close everything non-essential before
% firing up GPL and most of the time I'm around 36 fps when running with 5-8
% cars and minimum sound - except at the start (18-24fps) and when i smack a
% wall or do something else stupid (i don't know the exact fps at that stage
% 'cause i'm usually too busy swearing to note the framerate).
% Anyway, I'm frustrated cause I think I'm fast enough at Monza (1:30 flat
% consistant, a smidge lower if I'm feeling lucky) and at the Glen to play
% online. Any guidence as to what I should do would be most appreciated....
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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