everything and more that has been said about it,there are some things that I
don't like. For one, I prefer the method of setting the AI difficulty level
in N2 and ICR2 much better. Being able to set the op/str in % rather than
have the computer constantly calculate it,would make the alot more
competitive,and enjoyable,specially at my current level. I could actually
use a slightly lower op/str when driving a F1 car then when I'm learning a
track with a F2 car.
And setting up a car in gpl is certainly more complicated than in ICR2
or N2. Even in the gpl strategy guide,Steve Smith said that in 1967,they
didn't make all of these adjustments. There was one basic setup for the full
season,with most of the changes being gearing. What would be really a big
help is to have a program like N2Crewcheif, which I use it for fine tuning
my setups in N2.
Joel Willstien