Hi folks!
I've been reading all your tips concerning better feeling in braking and
right-footing, but I'm surprised no1 came up with this:
Take a wooden plate about 1 meter by 1 meter,***the pedal unit onto it,
then go get a *** string (don't know the word in English...sorry) like
the one used for tying your luggage (baggage?) to your motorcycle or on the
roof of your car and attach this bungee-cord(?) on the upper-third,
back-side of the pedal (I used a***for that). The other end goes onto
the wooden plate on the left side of the pedal-unit, just as far to the left
so it doesn't disturb your foot too much, I use a***for that as well.
For the gas-pedal, you work accordingly.
Now you have 2 advantages: The pedal-unit doesn't move around in your room
anymore as you place your feet on it, you can even***the wood to the
floor if your wife allows that :-)), and you can adjust the tightness of the
bungee by mounting it more foreward or backward untill you're comfy.
Hope that is of some use to ya'll !
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