going to live up to the hype for a number of reasons;
1) We have been hearing about GP3 since GP2 came out and we know Geoff
Crammond has been busy working on it since then. First we heard about F1
2000 was a couple of months ago, so surely it is going to lack the
development time a Crammond (or papyrus for that matter) sim has.
2) The ridiculous size of the heads in the***pits, such a easy thing to
get right! If they can't get that simple thing correct then can we
honestly expect realisitic physics?
3) The ability of EA to turn everything into an arcade game. It looks like
they had a good go with SCGT, but fortunatly they didn't completly destroy
4) So far no F1 sim has really matched GP2 even four years after its
release, even if GP3 is just GP2 with 3d and weather effects I think it
will be worth it.